test melih
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  • herion Friend

    Hoe can I create drop down menues and submenues that only appear after clicking on them (same like on the demo site)


    bcalder Friend

    Find the following in index.php:

    <blockquote># Choose your prefer Menu Type
    $ja_menutype = 3; // 1: Split Menu; 2: Son of Suckerfish Dropdown Menu; 3: Transmenu; 4: Moomenu
    # END: TEMPLATE CONFIGURATIONS ##########</blockquote>

    Select the number corresponding to what you want..


    herion Friend

    I can not find this entry in index.php

    bcalder Friend

    What is the directory path of the index.php you were looking at?

    You should be updating the index.php for this template in the templates directory.

    herion Friend


    I found it and it is working.
    Any idea where I can find the settings for the main menu (left side), showing the submenues only when you are clicking on them.


    bcalder Friend

    That is more of a Joomla thing, you need to setup the menus under a parent item in the menu configuration, and then you need to make sure that the link is clicking through using that menu’s ID at the end..this will keep the sub menu open when you are browsing a page on the sub menu.

    I hope that makes sense.

Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)

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