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  • gverg Friend

    I am very new to this and I am a little confused. :confused: How can I configure the drop down menu at the top of the page with fading effects? Now, when my mouse passes over the menu, the subitems are opened instantly. I have seen at the demo that there is a possibility of having fading effects. How do I configure this menu at the top, and what parameters can I use?

    Thanks for your help!

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    pls more details.
    your site, joomla version.
    I can help you if you contact via My PMB

    Phill Moderator

    Go into the templates config page and select moo menu in the parameters .

    Extensions>Template manager (assuming you are using Joomla 1.5x)

    If you are using Joomla 1.0 then you need to select this in your templates html, instructions are in there.

    gverg Friend

    I have Joomla version 1.5.3 and Ja Mageia version 1.4. Inside Template Manager, I have already selected moo menu in the parameters. After doing this, how can I customize the menu at the top of the page? I mean how can I adjust the speed-effects of opening the sub menus, or the colors, etc?

    gverg Friend

    Ok, I discovered this. Moo Menu is the right selection, if I want the menu to fade, while I pass the mouse over the items. But the problem is that I was using Internet explorer 8, so the transition effects doesn’t work. I have installed a system plugin called IE8 Compatibility and I have set it to “Emulate IE7” compatibility mode. This solved several other problems, but the menu still opens instantly without the fading effect.

    I tested with Internet Explorer 6, still no fading effects and JA-Newsflash is stuck at one article.
    Then I tested with Google Chrome and the menu is not functioning correctly either. JA-Newsflash appears instantly with bold letters and then comes back to normal after 1 sec.
    After this I tested with Firefox and it is functioning perfectly!! But unfortunately with Firefox the JA Newsflash is not working! Instead of displaying the assigned categories, there is a message “Please select a category for JA Newsflash”

    Any suggestions?

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    1. pls update to joomla version 1.5.10
    2. Update your template form joomlart.
    3. login to admin and open Ja_newsflash module and config it again.

    Phill Moderator

    <em>@gverg 122194 wrote:</em><blockquote>

    Any suggestions?</blockquote>

    Have you a link tou your site?

    gverg Friend

    <em>@phill luckhurst 122203 wrote:</em><blockquote>Have you a link tou your site?</blockquote>

    I build it inside our intranet network. It is not on the internet yet.

    gverg Friend

    <em>@quang268 122196 wrote:</em><blockquote>1. pls update to joomla version 1.5.10
    2. Update your template form joomlart.
    3. login to admin and open Ja_newsflash module and config it again.</blockquote>

    I just upgraded to joomla version 1.5.10. Still the same problems, except that Firefox is now instantly showing the first article of the specified category and then goes to “Please select a category for JA Newsflash” again

    The template is version1.4. Isn’t it the latest version?

    I also have the JA newsflash version 1.0.0. It is the same that comes with the Ja Mageia 1.4 package. I have done the following configuration:

    Module Class Suffix :
    Category: Company General/Newsflash
    Rolling delay time : 5
    Animation time: 1000
    Linked Titles: No
    Style class: Fade effect
    Height of div: 170
    <div style=”overflow:hidden; height:170px;” >
    <div class=”nfcontent”>##CONTENT##</div></div>

    gverg Friend

    I rebooted the web server and now Ja-Newsflash works ok but the problem with Moo Menu Effects is still continues. No browser can display the Top Moo Menu Effect. I have tested in:

    Internet Explorer 7
    Internet Explorer 8

    This is my params.ini


    Any Ideas? Params.ini has cdmod 555, but I do not need to change the settings (MenuType=4 is moo). Is it possible that there is wrong CMOD setings, somewhere inside the template?

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    try to CHMOD params.ini to 777

    gverg Friend

    <em>@quang268 122247 wrote:</em><blockquote>try to CHMOD params.ini to 777</blockquote>

    hello quang. I did it but no results. The params.ini can be read only. This is only the file where the system will go and read the parameters for the template. Do you know where is the file with the code that makes the menu appear with effects? Maybe there is the place to change the CMODs.

    nguyenhuu quang Friend

    I think you have Js conflic, pls contact support or to try to install quickstart package again

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)

This topic contains 13 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  nguyenhuu quang 15 years, 5 months ago.

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