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  • jacques bonet Friend

    I made a small enhancement on dropline menu (found in many joomlart template).

    This enhancement consist to have the sub menu aligned to the main menu item selected.

    You have to modify the function jasdl_show () in the file ja_menus/ja_scriptdlmenu/ja.scriptdlmenu.js.

    [PHP]function jasdl_show () {
    subx = document.getElementById(“jasdl-subnav”+jasdl_current.toString())
    if (subx)
    // modif jb du 10/01/2009
    marginleft = $(“jasdl-mainnav” + jasdl_current.toString()).getPosition().x – $(“jasdl-mainnav”).getPosition().x
    $(“jasdl-subnav”).setStyle( “margin-left”, marginleft)
    // end modif jb = “block”
    jasdl_setHover ()
    } [/PHP]

    Nota : use Mootools (is integrated with Joomla 1.5)


    scotty Friend

    Hi Jacques, do you have a demo of this anywhere?

    jacques bonet Friend
    scotty Friend

    Yes this is a nice idea and works well.

    The only thing I don’t like, and it’s not just on your site, is the way the sub menu container appears and disappears all the time depending on whether main menu item has a ‘child’ or not. I think a static container looks better.

    quantaweb Friend

    I think I recall seeing a fix for the dropline problem. The main body bounces around vertically based on whether or not you have any submenu items. I think it was somewhere in the Barite thread.

    This is an interesting tweak if the number of submenu items is small. Centering sounds like a terrible chore, but it would actually be more useful to me than left justifying under the main menu item.

    Any thoughths on how to do that? (centering the dropline submenu group?)

    ironlion37 Friend

    <em>@scotty 105641 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yes this is a nice idea and works well.

    The only thing I don’t like, and it’s not just on your site, is the way the sub menu container appears and disappears all the time depending on whether main menu item has a ‘child’ or not. I think a static container looks better.</blockquote>

    I agree, I’m searching for a way to make the dropline container static in the Telin ii template.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@ironlion37 124597 wrote:</em><blockquote></blockquote>
    HOLY COW, that’s an AWESOME Tag Cloud effect . . . where did you find/get it ???


    David Porré Friend

    Hello jacques,

    Nice workaround ! it works ! ;p

    But I have a little problem, my submenus are set to be shown after I click on the links.

    So, on mouseover, the submenu is aligned, but when I click, it goes back to the left after page load.

    So I assume your trick is for “mouseover”, how could we enhance it to “active” ?

    Here’s my menu js file after your “hack”

    Hoping for answers,
    Best regards,
    David aka Shapes

    David Porré Friend

    To explain a bit more my problem, here are 2 images :

    Before click :

    After click :

    1. beforeclick
    2. afterclick
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