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  • hanifahmed Friend

    Anyone else here have a long dry spell from making websites?

    I’ve currently been on a dry spell since March – mainly due to the fact that I have exams coming up – but I haven’t exactly had any immediate offers either.

    I’m expecting about 3 sites to be made in June – and hopefully things’ll pick up in the Summer – but hey – anyone else had a spell where they wish they could sit down and make a JA site for someone (and earn some good money at the same time!)

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@hanifahmed 127884 wrote:</em><blockquote>Anyone else here have a long dry spell from making websites?
    Are you kidding . . . ALL THE TIME. In fact, I know I have diagnosable A.D.D. – i have a hard time finishing projects I start.

    Case on point, the ecommerce business I have been developing, I’ve been working on for THREE YEARS – even before I discovered Joomla. I am encouraged these days because I have been able to keep myself going (better than previously, anyway) in developing my project and site – though there is still lots to do.

    <em>@hanifahmed 127884 wrote:</em><blockquote>I’m expecting about 3 sites to be made in June – and hopefully things’ll pick up in the Summer – but hey – anyone else had a spell where they wish they could sit down and make a JA site for someone (and earn some good money at the same time!)</blockquote>
    Hell, I wish I could finish MINE and make good money. I know I will . . . I just wish I had the time and mad skills to plow into it and produce the kind of quality site experience I envision as quickly as some of our more skilled colleagues do.

    hanifahmed Friend


    I spend about a good 2 days getting everything ready, plowing through templates, making basic customisations, and getting the basic foundation ready.

    Then I tend to get everything done within a few weeks, depending on the level of work needed.

    But when I’m not making anything, I kinda miss it. Tend to forget things too!

    Joomlancers dosn’t exactly appeal to me either.

    Wish I could just pick up a project with someone and get paid for helping out or something – even if it’s just dotting the “i”s and crossing the “t”s.

    Arvind Chauhan Moderator

    Dear Hanif,

    Sometimes i feel its just me who keep visiting my own site, scariest part is to look into the google analytics panel.

    Enquiries pop in now and then but my inbox generally fills up with my test mails, confirming that my mail box is up and running.

    And you say Dry Spell since March? For me its a desert out there. Probably drops would be great, i dont fancy spells 😛

    However, Most of my time is consumed maintaining and developing sites for my University and rest goes to surgeries. That’s the reason i have stopped offering design and development services from my site. Result >> google page ranking touched 0 from 4.

    so in June when you get your wet spell, throw some drops here.

    True about Joomlancers, the competition is too tough, with bids hitting rock bottom for work which needs hrs. I have seen bids as low as 30 $ for bagging a job worth over 5-10 hrs of input. I had better sit back and watch TV, afterall at the end of the month i get to see my salary.

    BTW good off topic. Hope to see more desert camels like me sharing their dryness.



    hanifahmed Friend

    I actually make good money, and the moment I saw Joomlancers offering what I did at probably half the cost – I was flabber gasted! All those hours for a tiny amount of pay??? hourly its terrible.

    But word of mouth is good, and in my community, if you can make a website, its like “Woooah!”

    mfcphil Friend

    Think here in the UK with the credit crunch all business’ are finding it hard, I have no doubt that it is not just in the UK but its a worldwide problem…lets hope things pick up over the second half of the year for us all.

    wooohanetworks Friend

    It is not really a world wide problem with the credit crunch, it is more about that people tend to use what they like at sight. When they have a real good company on hand that offers them the work and they immediately see they are pros, they rather take the safe road, than the risky road to take someone new or someone who hasn’t the mass appeal on his own website.

    The market for professional work is handled by professionals that work since years, grew with the market since it boomed and now keep the position to get those clients that either pay good money because they have trust in them and even pay more or always look for the mentioned safe road to get some quality and follow up support. There a newcomer can come and tell he makes the stuff for half the costs but will not be considered, as the trust lacks. Easy thing, the people see what it costs for a pro with track record to make wonderful sites, now someone comes with no track record and tells them he makes the exact same with same support and so on for half the costs. They only say, they must be kidding to think they really will bring the same like the ones they know and pay a lot more to.

    There are the other ones, they see more that “real value to costs” and see that for what they desire, half the costs even you like to charge is the real costs and do give nothing about the ones who are long in the business, do not look for the trust and support factor and so on. They only want quick work for little money, that is why Joomlancers may be so cheap right now.

    Also, the people there who take jobs for a buck, they do this with other intentions and ideals, they do not see the time they spend, or the big skills they have, they see they need to gain reviews, positive reviews and jobs done in the list to get higher in the ranking to later be able to charge more and so on. Those people have a long foresight about how to accomodate to the market and to achieve the more later. They also may not need 2 days for a job but only 2 hours, as they already know what to do and have professional schedule management, and so on.

    It is mostly about all that, hope you guys got success soon!

    instantinlaw Friend

    Hey hanifahmed,
    Does the fact that I had the time to write that senseless article about my marrage give you a clue as to how much work I’ve gotten lately? 😉
    Good thing I’m also in the antiques business which is also pretty dry, but between the two I make enough to be able to waste some time in the forum now and again. :p

    scotty Friend

    drarvindc;127916enquiries pop in now and then but my inbox generally fills up with my test mails, confirming that my mail box is up and running.


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