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  • maenski Friend


    I’ve got some more little questions:

    1) Login function:
    I would like to have anything what has to do with usermanagement/profiles/loginforms disabled. In the onlineshop people everytime should have to entering their adress but shouldnt be able to register or anything else. I know – therefore they cannot look for their shipping-status but…yes. 🙂
    I’ve got locked every modul what has got a “login” in its name and in “User”->”Options” I’ve checked “User registration -> No”. But if I open domain.de/user there is still the login form? 🙁 Can anybody help me?

    2) I use the ja_tiris template. This template uses the mega menu. I would like to have only ONE of the menu links in another style (for example background color or anything else). I tried to configure it in the menu point, for example “ONLINE-SHOP” and then “options for menu links”(it could be that I translate it in a bad way, because my backend is in german :-[ )and there I entered a “CSS Style for link” for example “shopbutton”. Than I edited the “mega.css” and entered
    a.shopbutton {color:#fff;font-size:11px;background:#666}
    but using firebug I cant find in the sitefile, that the menu point became a new class called shopbutton and therefore dont use the edited css file. Is there an easy way you could explain to me? It would be very nice!

    Thank you very much!

    swissa Friend

    1. Not sure I understand. How does one get to domain.de/user? And does it show Joomla or Joomshopping registration?

    2. Can you explain exactly what you are looking to do with the menü? Menüs have 3 states; inactive, hover and active so what are you looking to change with a suffix?

    maenski Friend

    Hey swissa,

    1) The Users cant find a loginform on The Site, but they could Type Domain.de/User and see their Profile overview. I think it is joomshopping.

    2) i just want that One of The Menü links (home, Shop, about us,…) for Example “Shop” becomes highlighted or Another Font Color.

    Sorry for My silly writing – iPad Auto correctur

    Thank you!

    swissa Friend

    <em>@maenski 334357 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hey swissa,

    1) The Users cant find a loginform on The Site, but they could Type Domain.de/User and see their Profile overview. I think it is joomshopping.

    2) i just want that One of The Menü links (home, Shop, about us,…) for Example “Shop” becomes highlighted or Another Font Color.

    Sorry for My silly writing – iPad Auto correctur

    Thank you!</blockquote>

    1. Still in the dark!! :(( If users can write that url then it means there is still a menü item using that alias (assuming url rewriting is on) so you need to find out where! I’d take a look in menü manager at ‘User Menu’ and see if the ‘Your Profile’ menü item is published. If it is, unpublished it.

    2. For the menü suffix you use Parameters (JA Extended) – Additional Class. Say we want to use class “swissa”. You write swissa in the box with no leading space. Then you have to write a new css class as you tried

    .ja-megamenu ul.level0 > li.mega > a.mega.swissa {

    • border-right: 1px solid #353637
    • color: yellow;
    • background: green;


    you can add whatever css you want there. This will only cover the inactive state of the menü item. If you want it to change again on hover or after it has been clicked you’ll have to make new css classes to cover these too!

    Hope that helps. 🙂

    maenski Friend

    Hey swissa,

    1) Sounds serious – i’ll have to Take a Look in The menu options in the ‘user menu’.

    2) I open mega.css and can copy your code int the css? Or do I have to find a special class and add “a.swissa” (or what ever 😉 ) ?!

    3) I get a new question: do you have know-how with the js credit-card modules? I’ve seen that there are different modules – which one is ‘the best’?

    Thanx to Switzerland !

    swissa Friend

    <em>@maenski 334372 wrote:</em><blockquote>1) Sounds serious – i’ll have to Take a Look in The menu options in the ‘user menu’.

    Check all the menüs for any ‘user data’ item. Quickstarts come with a few menüs…. 🙂

    <em>@maenski 334372 wrote:</em><blockquote>2) I open mega.css and can copy your code int the css? Or do I have to find a special class and add “a.swissa” (or what ever ) ?!

    Copy the whole code and either put it into mega.css or you should just be able to add it to the end of your template.css. You can change out the swissa to whatever you want as long as they match in the additional class and the code.

    <em>@maenski 334372 wrote:</em><blockquote>3) I get a new question: do you have know-how with the js credit-card modules? I’ve seen that there are different modules – which one is ‘the best’?</blockquote>

    I use paypal to be honest – quick and easy and covers credit cards – but it will depend on who your card processor is. I know JoomShopping will sell you one or you can get your own made. Be careful that you turn off logging after testing or you’ll leave live payment data on the site.

    Gruss an Deutschland!

    maenski Friend

    Hey Swissa!

    1) I’ve locked in “user menu” : “Your profile” and “my orders”. But if I open domain.de/user it redirects to “http://domain/de/shop/kategorien/user/login” and I can make a “Neukundenanmeldung (New customer registration)”. How do I get it dissapear?

    2) I’ve used your little how-to but it looks like joomla doesn’t uses my individual css link:
    1. Screen:

    2. Screen:

    You can see in the first screenshot, that there nowhere appears the class “shopbutton”. :confused:

    3) Customers can use their credit card with the paypal service?! 😮

    Thank you!

    1. firebug
    2. backend
    swissa Friend

    2. You are not putting the suffix in the right place.

    3. Yes! They don’t need to be registered Paypal users.

    1. Without seeing it it is difficult to say what is happening. Look in the component jshopping to see what is switched on: look in Configuration – Shop Functions and Configuration – Fields Registration

    1. Screen-Shot-2012-08-15-at-09.26.31
    maenski Friend

    Yeah Dude, it rocks!

    1) I’ve used a thread in the joomshooping forum, I hope that there anybody will have a usefull tip. http://www.webdesigner-profi.de/joomla-webdesign/joomla-shop/forum/posts/11/3051.html?lang=en

    2) cool! Now it takes my individual css class

    3) furthermore cool 🙂

    But now – I want some modules, and I hope I can explain it with my bad english:

    Modul1) “Individual Bestseller”. There should be a modul what shows 2 or 3 products which were chosen by the administrator. I chose Product x und Product y and they will be shown for example in the left sidebar as long as I chose the next two “Bestsellers”.

    Modul2) I hope that I can find a way to realise a dropdown-menu (or anything else, the main thing is, that it will work) where you can chose “I want see every product of “brand xy””. Like the search for manufacturer I am looking for a chance to give every product a attribute and therefore I need a search or central dropdown-bar in a demonstrativ place of the template where I can chose very fast a filter.

    I hope you understand my crazy thoughts – perhaps there is still a modul I could use for this?

    Gute Nacht Schweiz!!! 😎

    swissa Friend

    Might be better to open a new thread for each thing you want to do – helps other people searching the forums with similar questions!

    With all the work you are doing I hope that you are taking regular akeeba backups.

    You have ‘Top Rated’ and ‘Bestsellers’ modules already in the template. Take a look at them and see if either does roughly what you want – Modules 105 and 106 on my dev Tiris. If not just make a new menü – JoomShopping/Product and you can pick what you want.

    JoomShopping has a pretty good search facility – test it on a menü item. It handles what you want to do.


    maenski Friend

    <blockquote>You have ‘Top Rated’ and ‘Bestsellers’ modules already in the template. Take a look at them and see if either does roughly what you want – Modules 105 and 106 on my dev Tiris. If not just make a new menü – JoomShopping/Product and you can pick what you want.</blockquote>

    Hey Swissa, I dont get it. :((

    For the case 2): I have products from the same “brand-type” in different categorys. I need a way, to show all the products of the same “brand-type” through every category. The same function as using the searchfunction for “brand-type xyz” and it shows me every product of “brand-type xyz” without categorizing. I dont know, how to build that with the menu functions! >:(>:(

    Do you have any idea or tipp for me?


    swissa Friend

    Moment. I need to understand.

    You want a list of ‘Brands’?


    – Swissa
    – Mänski
    – Joomlart
    – usw

    Egal what produkt? Just show all produkt for each Brand? Oder?

    maenski Friend

    Yeah man! Thats it 🙂

    swissa Friend

    <em>@maenski 334950 wrote:</em><blockquote>Yeah man! Thats it :-)</blockquote>
    First you need to make sure that you have made ‘Manufacturers’ in JoomShopping and note the ID of each Manufacturer or Brand.

    You need to build a new menü and call it Brands or Marken.

    Then you need to put all your brands as menü items in this menü.

    For the ‘Menu Item Type’ you pick ‘JoomShopping/Manufacturers’ and then in ‘Required Settings’ you pick ‘Category or Manufacturer or StaticPage’ and assign the right Manufacturer ID.

    After building the menü you need to build a new module for the menü and assign it to the pages you want to display it and the position.

    That’s it! You can style with CSS as you wish.


    1. JS
    2. menü
    3. menü-item
    4. Module
    maenski Friend

    Hey Swissa,
    very very nice How-To!!! Thank you – it works very fine – only the menu modul makes problems.

    I have created a new menu modul but I can only chose the menues of the first menu-stage in the basic options (the german “Hauptmenü”, Englisch “Mainmanu” and the “default menu”). But I cannot chose the “MARKEN”-Menu (It’s a childitem of the “Hauptmenü”).

    Why? 😮

    Have a great sunday!

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