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  • john6555 Friend

    Hello, what could be the reason that there are duplicate product images in the slider?
    I’ve uploaded a picture for you to see.

    1. 2007-08-26_140855
    john6555 Friend

    I realize now why it is doing this – these items are placed in multiple categories in VirtueMart. Is there a way show that only each product (in all categories) is shown? i.e. NOT each product from each category.

    Say I have a product named Apples in categories Fruit and Food. The way the slider is configured now, Apples will show up twice in the slider. Is there a way to make Apples only show once, by referencing only the product list and not each category separately?

    lehoai Friend

    hi john6555,
    You should hack the code in file modules/mod_ja_vmproductslide/applicaiton line #59

    <blockquote> $query = ‘ SELECT p.product_sku FROM `#__’.VM_TABLEPREFIX.’_product` p’; </blockquote>
    <blockquote> $query = ‘ SELECT DISTINCT p.product_sku FROM `#__’.VM_TABLEPREFIX.’_product` p’; </blockquote>

    it’s will help you fix this bug.

    Thanks for reading and goodluck

    Sherlock Friend

    with version 1.5.x we must hack the code in file modulesmod_ja_vmproductslideja_vmproductslideapplication.php at about line 56.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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