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  • zandercent Friend

    Hello everyone!

    I am trying to enable a template colour change when I click on a main menu item. Eg, I would like it so that when you press “NEWS’ the template default colour changes to “blue”, when you press “BLOG” it changes to “cyan” etc…

    Now, after some extensive forumming I have found the direct approach is not possible (attaching a parameter to the menu items), so what i would like to do is assign a different template to each button. This is straightforward enough, but I would like THE SAME template in different colours. Is there anyway of duplicating installed templates, or making a change to the template file so that I can install multiple instances of it ( I am usiing NERINE, but any genera tips would also be great.)

    I’ve tried editing the template xml & index.php (eg ja_nerine > ja_nerine_2) but when I re-zip them joomla doesn’t recognise them. Is it because I am using the mac’s archive function, am I changing the right files? HELP!!:((


    zandercent Friend

    Well, it looks like I was premature, I tried the steps outlined above and it all worked perfectly -so anyone else trying to do the same can follow the above instructions!!


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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  zandercent 17 years, 5 months ago.

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