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  • Radonja Djurisic Friend

    need help with style on easy blog
    i set default JA Obelisk theme for EasyBlog.

    Saguaros Moderator

    In Easyblog’s theme settings, please make sure you set JA Obelisk as default theme for EasyBlog (with a star icon):

    If it still doesn’t work, you can PM me admin & ftp account of your site, I will have a look.

    Radonja Djurisic Friend

    Yes Saguaros it is set as default
    i am sending info right now

    Saguaros Moderator

    If you go to backend settings of blog menu item, you will see that it’s assigned with ‘JA Obelisk – Dark Background’ template style so that blog page has dark theme (see this screenshot: You can try to change to another style to see the difference (like Christmas in our demo site).

    Radonja Djurisic Friend

    Hello Saguaros

    i try other styles still not good
    as u see on image

    and my client want dark style

    so in dark theme easy blog is not included by style ?

    1. blog
    Saguaros Moderator

    It’s included but your site will take the style of template. EasyBlog or other component/module are parts of a website, if these components and template have style for the same div/block or a HTML element, your site will take the style of template in priority.

    Hence, when you assign dark style of template for easyblog page, it will have dark style, of course.

    Radonja Djurisic Friend

    I think you did not understand me
    I do not want a white background
    i want dark backgrund!

    but I think style for easyblog is messed up on black background i think …. see images

    In this picture you can see the text that appears on the right side … But those should stand below main image

    When you click on the article you will notice social buttons that are not where they should be …


    1. social
    2. text
    Saguaros Moderator

    You can try to duplicate this file: templatesja_obelisktplsblocksmainbody.php and rename this new file, for instance mainbody1.php. Then open this ‘mainbody1.php’ file and change to this:

    // Layout configuration
    $layout_config = json_decode ('{
    "two_sidebars": {
    "default" : [ "span6 offset3" , "span3 offset-9" , "span3" ],
    "wide" : [],
    "xtablet" : [],
    "tablet" : [ "span12" , "span6 spanfirst" , "span6" ]
    "one_sidebar1": {
    "default" : [ "span8 pull-right" , "span4" ],
    "wide" : [],
    "xtablet" : [ "span8 pull-right" , "span4" ],
    "tablet" : [ "span12" , "span12 spanfirst" ]
    "one_sidebar2": {
    "default" : [ "span8" , "span4" ],
    "wide" : [],
    "xtablet" : [ "span8" , "span4" ],
    "tablet" : [ "span12" , "span12 spanfirst" ]
    "no_sidebar": {
    "default" : [ "span12" ]

    Next, you open the layout file which you’re using in easyblog page, for example, if you use ‘dark-background’ layout, you open the file: templatesja_obelisktplsdefault-dark.php. In this file, instead of calling ‘mainbody.php’ block, you replace with the new block: ‘mainbody1.php’. It should look like this:

    <body class="dark-background">

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('header') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('mainnav') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('spotlight-1') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('masshead') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('mainbody1') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('spotlight-2') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('navhelper') ?>

    <?php $this->loadBlock ('footer') ?>

    Radonja Djurisic Friend

    hello saguaros

    now main page for blog is ok

    but when u go to see full article social buttons is messed up
    social should be under article

    can u see this ?

    1. ok
    2. socialnotok
    Saguaros Moderator

    You can try to add this CSS rule:

    #eblog-wrapper #socialbutton.alignright + .blog-text {
    margin-right: 153px;

    into the file: /templates/ja_obelisk/css/custom.css

    Radonja Djurisic Friend

    Thanks Saguaros

    about social buttons was by default to right side in backend settings
    i set it up to bottom
    so now is all ok

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Radonja Djurisic 10 years, 5 months ago.

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