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  • jimboja Friend

    I have a problem with customizing my teline iv layouts:

    I have added a new option to my articles (backend and frontend) to allow me displaying a defined keyword before the title. I managed to modify the layout for category and section layout and before each item, i’m showing a keyword just before the title(if typed in the backend)

    I can’t find where to do the same in article view as in my template folder :
    /home/www/my_site/templates/ja_teline_iv/html/com_content/ i don’t have any “article” folder to allow me to edit content.php. I think this is related to the template and the framework and if someone can just let me know which file is used to generate the article page…

    If this file does not exist in my template com_content folder, which one is used by default?
    Thanks for your help

    jimboja Friend

    Hi again, i did find a solution for this. For those who are looking for the same, in Teline IV, there is no article folder to control php files generating the article layout. I had to modify this file to make the changes i wanted: /home/www/mysite/plugins/system/jat3/base-themes/default/html/com_content/article/default.php

    It would be nice from JA to provide this kind of documentation with templates as in most of them, you can control article layout in the template files and not in T3 default files.:-[

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  jimboja 13 years, 6 months ago.

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