test melih
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  • itgl72 Friend

    I would like to know what file, and where to edit the footer in RSGALLERY that says “RSGallery2 1.14.0 Alpha – SVN 378” because I think it best not to advertise the older version.


    Sherlock Friend

    plz go to edit display.class.php(componnents/com_rsgallery2/templates/display folder)
    search those lines(line 560)

    <div id='rsg2-footer' <?php echo $hidebranding; ?>>
    <br /><br /><?php echo $rsgVersion->getShortVersion(); ?>

    Comment or remove them

    itgl72 Friend

    There is no /components/com_rsgallery2/templates/display folder.

    I found a file called display.class.php in the sematic template folder but it did not inlude the code you mentioned above.

    Sherlock Friend

    Right path is: /components/com_rsgallery2/templates/meta folder
    Plz try again
    good luck

    jantonio Friend

    Following above path:

    Just got and change the below code:


    [PHP]if( $rsgConfig->get( ‘displayBranding’ ) == false[/PHP]


    [PHP]if( $rsgConfig->get( ‘displayBranding’ ) == true )[/PHP]

    That should completely remove the footer without affecting anything else.

    itgl72 Friend

    <em>@jantonio 64207 wrote:</em><blockquote>Following above path:

    Just got and change the below code:


    [PHP]if( $rsgConfig->get( ‘displayBranding’ ) == false[/PHP]


    [PHP]if( $rsgConfig->get( ‘displayBranding’ ) == true )[/PHP]

    That should completely remove the footer without affecting anything else.</blockquote>

    Is there a reason why I should use this method over the original method provided to me?

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