by adding “mod-contrast contrast-blue badge-hot” to a module it’s possible to change the design:
<blockquote>div class=”ja-moduletable ja-masonry moduletable grid-double badge-hot”</blockquote>
How I can do the same for EACH single article.
Possible questions could be:
- Is it possible to add a badge to one article?
- Can I change the grid-layout or the whole background of the box or div-container (again: only single article)?
- Or can I change the layout of all articles of a specific category, e.g. change the background for category “flowers”
- Can I define a specific CSS for a single article or all article within a category, so I can change e.g. the padding or border value
Important: I do not want to change the whole Layout or css for the page (e.g. http://www.url.de/category or http://www.url/article1) but only the box of article xyz…
If there is no option within the template itself, do you know a Joomla plugin which can do this???
Existing ones do only changing the whole page (e.g. this one)
And another question in the same context:
- Is it possible to hide the Title of an Article?
Articel options (e.g. show Title = Hide) do not have any effect, so it’s not possible ot hide them…