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  • timpennington Friend

    Is there any easier way to embed a Google photo album into an article that will show a slideshow?

    I want to embed just one album into an article, without having to use the Google embed code.

    I use to have a plugin that did that, but it no longer works with 3.0.

    I want to make it easier for my article writers to put the album into a particular article. Most don’t know much about hitting the "source" button and doing it, so am looking for a plugin or something that makes it easier, such as just pasting in the album ID.


    pavit Moderator


    You can use The Ozio Gallery component for this Take a look at the Documentation HERE

    It is Joomla 3 compatible

    Hope it helps

    timpennington Friend

    Thanks. I had loaded up Ozio some time ago, and maybe I am confused; it doesn’t allow me to specify a certain album for a certain article. For example, if an author writes a story about a baseball game and wants to show that album from THAT game, how does that happen?

    Right now, I have a main menu item for Ozio where I add the albums and it will add all the albums onto the article.

    Unless I want to set up a specific menu item for each photo album, this would be burdensome. Is there a plugin that allows for a specific unique album to be put into an article?


    pavit Moderator


    Unfortunately i don’t know any other plugin , maybe other users reading this topic could help you pointing to the right one.

    I suppose you already searched on JED

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