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  • julesm Friend

    When a new employer registers as Employer Premium there is a permissions error that occurs when he logs in for the first time.

    The steps to recreate:

    1. Go to:
    2. Choose Employer Premium and then register as a new employer by filling out the form.
    3. Activate the account via valid email.
    4. Log in.

    I also don’t see the employer being added to the list found in >>>Components, JA Job Board>>User Permissions. I suspect this has something to do with it.

    This does not happen when they sign up for a Free Trial.

    Edit: Let me just add here, that what’s really weird about this process is that upon registration, there’s no payment processing for employers that choose Employer Premium. That seems really counter intuitive. When is a payment supposed to be processed? It’s going to confuse users if the workflow demands them to go find a way to pay.

    1. no-permission-employer
    HeR0 Friend

    Dear Julesm,

    I just checked your site. The Employer added into Jobboard system and the permission to post premium job is disabled because of your setting for post premium job http://prntscr.com/1iieqx

    julesm Friend

    No. I don’t want this user to post a premium job. I want the user to post a regular job. And he can’t. Did you try to recreate the problem?

    Look, the user that I created as Employer Premium, has a username of Test Employer 4. That user is not found in the user list on the Job Board component, even though he can log in.

    At the point of logging in he gets the message in my original post.

    1. employer-not-added
    HeR0 Friend

    I have just posted a new job under my account HeR0 and the result is ok. Kindly check again!!!

    julesm Friend

    That’s because your name is added to the component user list. When I register a user while choosing the Employer Premium optio on this page:

    (in this case with username Test Employer4), it does not get added to the user list in the component. It only gets added to the Joomla users list. Therefore this employer has no permissions in the component.

    HeR0 Friend


    I just checked step by step :
    – Registration a new Employer from frontend
    – Active account via active link from email
    – Login
    – Post a new Job ( Standard Job )
    The result is nice as expected. That means, there is not any problem with the employer registration function.

    julesm Friend

    Wow. You don’t understand. This is a disaster.

    Did you choose Employer Premium upon registration? That’s where the problem is.

    HeR0 Friend

    <blockquote>(in this case with username Test Employer4), it does not get added to the user list in the component. It only gets added to the Joomla users list. Therefore this employer has no permissions in the component.</blockquote>
    You must set the registration is free so the subscriptions value must be zero ( 0 ) to apply permisssions for new user. After registration process, the new user will appear on the list http://prntscr.com/1jmzl8

    <blockquote>Wow. You don’t understand. This is a disaster.

    Did you choose Employer Premium upon registration? That’s where the problem is.</blockquote>

    Sorry, i did not tell you that i must change the subscription premium price value to 0 before implementing the registration.

    julesm Friend

    Explain to me why Employer Premium should be free? The very definition of Premium is “NOT FREE.”

    HeR0 Friend

    <blockquote>Explain to me why Employer Premium should be free? The very definition of Premium is “NOT FREE.”</blockquote> No, this depends on your purpose. You are allowed to register it as free and the registration will be done without paying anything. Which means, new user will not have permissions and they must go to your account http://topmedicalcareers.org/medical-jobs/2013-07-17-14-53-21/account-info.html to buy a package.

    julesm Friend

    That is a cumbersome process. One that’s sure to cost us customers.

    HeR0 Friend

    Yes, it will be easy if you change to Have not permission message, example: You have not permissions to access this resource. Please update your account at here( Link to buy package page ) .

    You can change it in the com_jajobboard language file : ACCESS_DENIED_YOU_DONT_HAVE_PERMISSION

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