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  • toloekka Friend


    I am trying Mitius for Joomla 3.0 localy on my Mac and I have problem when I set “Enable Development Mode” to “On”. Then everything dissapear on the site/frontpage just showing me som kind of a “transformers man” over the hole site. (I have had the same problem with other Joomlart templates earlier). See my attachment “lp-bg.jpg” showing the frontpage.

    When I set the “Enable Development Mode” to “Off” it still shows the same “transformers man”, nothing else. I have tried clearing the cache under the System, the “Clear Cache” og Purge Expired Cache” but nothing helps.

    What am I doing wrong, is there some other places to clear some cache?
    I have clicked on “Compile Less to css” sometimes and Save that and clearing cache, but still nothing but the “transformers man” on the frontpage.

    Hope someone can help. I have search for this problem but found no solution.

    Tom Løkka

    1. lp-bg
    toloekka Friend

    The problem described above is not there when I now installed tested and a Quickstart package of Mitius 3.0. The problem described is when I installed a fresh Joomla 3.0 and then installed the Mitius Template (and T3 plugin) atferwards.

    Tom Løkka

    Stork11 Friend

    Hello Tom,

    Can you PM me with your site information (your site URL, your site admin account) and your FTP account? So I can diagnose this problem.

    BTW, please include this forum thread URL in your PM, so I can follow it.


    toloekka Friend

    Hi again.

    I startet all over. Installed Joomla 3.0.3 and then installed the Mitius Template and the T3 plugin. The first thing I did was changing the navigation type in the Template from Joomla Module to Megamenu and then Saved. And then again, the hole Site changed to just show the “transformers man” again. What is happening?

    Changing the navigation type back to Joomla Module did not get the Site back. Still this “transformers man”.

    Hope someone can help.

    Tom Løkka

    toloekka Friend

    I did the same with Joomla 2.5.9 and got the same problem. Stork11 is now looking in to it.:)
    The Site is here: http://www.swedish.safarimgm.com

    Tom Løkka

    ccgr Friend

    Same thing happened to me too

    toloekka Friend

    If I uninstall the Mitius Template and install it again, the Site comes back on the frontpage with its content. But if I do any change in the template and Save again, the “transformers man are back on the frontpage.:((

    Tom Løkka

    Stork11 Friend

    Hello Tom,

    You changed site layout from “default” to “countdown-page”. There is only footer section in this “countdown-page” layout.


    toloekka Friend

    Hi Stork11.

    I dont know why it is set to “countdown-page”. I have not been in the “Layout” tab att all.

    I now uninstalled the Mitius Template and installed it again. When I now check the Layout tab in the template (I have not done anything), it is set to “countdown-page” as Default.

    Tom Løkka

    toloekka Friend

    But anyhow, now I know that I have to set it to “Default” in the Layout tab when I change something in the Template and saves.
    Even thow I thinks it is strange that “countdown-page” is Default/preset value in the Layout tab.

    Tom Løkka

    Ninja Lead Moderator

    @toloekka and @ccgr: I tried to check the problem on your mention.

    + Download joomla fresh default
    + Install plg_system_t3.v1.1.0.zip plugin and ja_mitius.v1.0.1.zip template
    + Go to Admin and set JA Mitius Template to default but the Layout is alway set “countdown-page” is default

    This is not bug on JA Mitius Template you can configure with my suggestion as followings:

    1) “countdown-page” is always set to default because it is loaded from file

    2) That’s for reason why the front-end always shows countdown-page layout

    3) Go to admin and set it back to default layout, see the screenshot

    Let me know if my way helps you is re-clear on this problem

    1. Load_File
    2. Config_Default
    3. countdown-page
    toloekka Friend

    Hi Ninja Lead. 🙂

    I have not said that it is a bug (maybe I express myself odd). I just found it strange that “countdown-page” is preset in the Layout tab (it tricked at least me) and Stork11 said that I have changed the layout from “Default” to “countdown-page” in the Layout tab, which I did not because “countdown-page” is preset.

    And now that I know that “countdown-page” is preset in the Layout tab, there is no problem, I just change it to Default and I am happy! 🙂

    Thanks Stork11 and Ninja Lead!

    Tom Løkka

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