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  • wowbagger Friend

    Hello Forum!

    I’m using JA Lens as a blog but I’m seeing strange behaviour when the caching is enabled.
    This is a picture of the website and caching disabled:
    This is a picture of the website with caching enabled: .
    Caching disabled only shows the frontpage grid with the articles like it’s suppose to. When you click on an article it opens and the right side modules show also and when you go back to the frontpage it’s again only the grid that is shown.
    If I enable caching on Joomla (file based, progressive or conservative) the frontpage layout changes and not only shows the grid but it also shows the rights side modules straight on the frontage which is doesn’t do when the caching is disabled.

    Enabling caching shouldn’t interfere like that or am I missing something?

    How can I retain the frontpage grid-only look (without the right side modules) and still enable caching?

    Thanks for shedding any light or help!

    1. CachingDisabled
    2. CachingEnabled
    Stork11 Friend

    Hello wowbagger,

    Did you clean cache when you enable your site cache? Maybe when you enable caching, your front-end displayed expired cache data.


    wowbagger Friend

    Yes, I tried all options, with or without purging/clearing cache etc.
    It’s pretty much repeatable. I think I found out why it is happening.

    The modules (search, login etc) are all set to show on all pages. With caching disabled they don’t show on the frontpage.
    When caching is enabled the modules show on the frontpage somehow trying to honour the “on all pages” setting for some wicked reason.
    If I could assign the K2 items on a submenu of the normal menu and show only the modules on those pages iI would be a happy camper.
    But, sadly I don’t use the menu, there is just 1 menu item “main” and nothing more, there is no drop down menu etc so I don’t have anything I even could assign to when the K2 items are displayed after clicking on an item in the frontpage wall.

    What baffles me is that if enabling caching all of a sudden the modules honour the All Pages settings whereas disabling caching renders only the wall on the frontpage and not those modules while the settings seemingly indicate it should.

    How can I achieve what I want?
    Don’t use menu, show only wall on frontpage, when clicking show K2 item and modules and enable caching. if you want to have a look. Caching is disabled.


    Stork11 Friend

    Hello wowbagger,

    Can you PM me with your site information (your site URL, your site admin account) and your FTP account? I need to check it.

    BTW, please include this forum thread URL in your PM, so I can follow it.

    Best regards.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi wowbagger,

    Please does not show those module in ‘right’ position on home page.
    Please make change or you can grand permission for user ‘stork’ and I will do it for you.

    Please check again if it helps.


    wowbagger Friend

    I have PM’ed stork, sorry for the delay, my bad. I previewed the PM but never submitted it…:-[
    Thanks for the help!

    Wall Crasher Developer

    You are welcome,
    And please confirm that your problem is fixed or not. 🙂

    wowbagger Friend

    Sorry for the delay. I’m just back from a holiday in the outback.
    Well yes, caching is enabled but the right position elements “Search”,”More Blog Articles” and “Editor Login” are all gone and that was not the point.
    The point was to have the wall display normally, and whenever a picture is clicked on the wall and the k2 item would open, the right positions would be shown too.

    When I click on an article in the wall the article now expands into full page and the Right position elements are not shown (although they are published at the Right position?).

    How can we now show the published elements in the Right position whenever a k2 item is showing?

    But, so far thanks already!

    wowbagger Friend

    I checked a little further and it’s baffling me.

    Every item in category “Nature” renders correctly with the “right” elements shown on the item page.
    Every other category item does not show the “right” location elements. Why?
    When checking the link to which the wall item directs to when clicking (opening the k2 item) I see a difference in the generated link:

    Not working correctly link: “”
    Working correctly link: “”

    The link that works has additional text and when I insert the extra “/component/k2” to the non-working link, that k2 item is shown in a correct page with the “right” location elements visible.
    I feel like pulling out all my hair because I cannot understand why it is doing this but the wall links don’t seem to be generated uniformly?

    I checked if there are differences in the k2 categories set up but they all get their params from the same top category.
    Why is wall doing this?


    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi wowbagger,

    I just apply small fix to your site.
    Please check again.


    wowbagger Friend

    Hello Wall Crasher,

    Thanks for fixing this! I’m once again a happy little camper!

    w00tsite Friend

    I am having this same issue with the front page and the grid. What was the solution?

    Wall Crasher Developer


    Please try to download this patch and replace templatesja_lenstemplate_tools.php

    If it does not work, please pm ftp/admin to me for further check.


    w00tsite Friend

    Didn’t fix it. I’ll be sending a PM shortly.

    After enabling the cache, the first page load it fine. But any page loads after that, the site looks broken.

    Wall Crasher Developer

    Hi w00tsite,

    I see that you have modify the template so much. And the problem with the cache is from javascript conflict which you move all script to top without check for Mootools library loaded or not.
    I have fixed on your site.

    Please check again.

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