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  • kai_2 Friend

    I use Joomla 1.5.7, FireBoard 1.0.5 RC 1 with JA Rutile, and now I have this error in mootools.js

    Fehler: ($(filter) || document).getElement is not a function

    … /media/system/js/mootools.js
    Zeile: 53

    Menalto Friend

    If you dont go to fireboard you dont have that error, right?

    kai_2 Friend

    Yes :confused:

    Menalto Friend

    Then this depends on what you are using as menu on the template? you can exlude mootools from the fireboard link or exlude jquery from it, if you do a search here at the forum it is mentioned before:

    kai_2 Friend

    No JavaScript Errors. Thank you Jerry from bestofjoomla.com.:)
    => http://www.bestofjoomla.com TOPIC: FB 1.0.5 RC1 und mootools.js <-> ja.script.js

    kai_2 Friend

    The only thing I don’t understand is, when I’m using JA Fedora template, I don’t get the error.

    Menalto Friend

    Hmmmm, Can you give us your site url? Or should we close this post?

    kai_2 Friend

    Here is the url: http://www.afrika-community.de/forum.html

    I’m using Joomla 1.5.7, com_fireboard_v1.0.5RC1_b755_2008-09-25, Ja-Rutile and Ja-Fedora.

    With Rutile I get an error.:confused:

    kai_2 Friend

    I have found another error. When I write a new message and insert space (e.g. between the text rows or to a picture), there is no more free space left when I pushed the “send” buttom. I attach a picture, where you can see, what I mean. When I use the JA Fedora template, everything is fine. This error occurs only in Rutile template.

    Do you already have a solution for the problem with mootools.js?

    1. Unbenannt-1
Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  kai_2 16 years, 3 months ago.

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