Hi chaddef,
The problem caused by having no submenu in Dropline menu mode. Please add at least a submenu to your menu system, the problem’ll be gone. We will provide a fix for this bug soon.
Replace the function endMenu in the file ja-scriptdlmenu.class with this one:
function endMenu(){
$this->main = "<div id="jasdl-mainnav"><ul>n". $this->main . "</ul></div>";
if ($this->sub != "") {
$this->sub = "<div id="jasdl-subnav">n". $this->sub . "n</div>n";
} else {
$this->sub = "<div id="jasdl-subnav">n</div>n";
$this->sub .= '
<script type="text/javascript">
var jasdl_activemenu = new Array('. ( (count($this->parent->open) == 1) ? ""{$this->parent->open[0]}"" : implode(",", array_reverse($this->parent->open)) ) .');
Ha Le-Viet.