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  • aspik Friend

    jquery + JAT3 2.0

    error: this.menu.getElements is not function

    start: function () {
    //do nothing if loaded
    if (this.loaded) return;

    this.menu = $(this.menu);
    //preload images
    var images = this.menu.getElements ('img');
    if (images && images.length && !this.imageloaded) {
    var imgs = [];
    images.each (function (image) {imgs.push(image.src)});
    if (imgs.length) {
    new Asset.images(imgs, {
    onComplete: function(){
    this.imageloaded = true;

    //call this start if cannot load image after sometime
    this.start.delay (3000, this);
    return ;

    1. scrin
    jooservices Friend

    If you are using jQuery i suggest prevent include it directly. It must be use with noConflict mode. You can try to use SC Plugin to do that 🙂
    Thank you
    Viet Vu

    pritam Friend

    Hello aspik ,

    To use jquery + JAT3 2.0

    You can refer to this URL :-


    aspik Friend

    <em>@jooservices 262402 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi
    If you are using jQuery i suggest prevent include it directly. It must be use with noConflict mode. You can try to use SC Plugin to do that 🙂
    Thank you
    Viet Vu</blockquote>

    the module was originally set up a conflict-free work

    jQuery – noConflict


Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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