Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
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  • cursoblue Friend

    When I try to add a photo to an article using editor on the frontend the media manager window pops up but suddenly all the buttons disappear and I get a page showing the image folders in a blank window – no buttons – nothing (see printscreen)

    What would be the problem?

    Thank you

    1. error-frontpage-editor
    Manos Moderator

    That’s probably a java script conflict can you please provide us with a link to your site so we can investigate this further ?
    Is this happening on standard Joomla content or K2 articles ?



    cursoblue Friend

    Standard – http://www.cursoblue.com

    Thank you!

    cursoblue Friend

    Pascm just sent you a private message with the credentials to access the website.

    Thank you

    Manos Moderator

    Can you please provide me with a link to add a new article or edit one ? There’s no other way for me to check, even though i have seen some javascript conflicts already but i need to check if that’s the problem.

    cursoblue Friend

    I have sent you the credentials to use the website as publisher – I sent you a PM – did you get it?

    Manos Moderator

    Yes i have, allow me a few minutes to do some testing on my localhost and see if i can come up with a solution for you.

    cursoblue Friend

    Thank you very much! 😀

    Manos Moderator


    I tried with default installation and also Joomla 3.2 and couldn’t replicate the problem, please disable any 3rd party add-ons you have installed and see if that solves the problem.



Viewing 9 posts - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Manos 11 years, 1 month ago.

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