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  • filomena78 Friend

    if I enable italian language categories and sample products in Virtuemart disappear and I can’t create a new one because it shows me this error: vmError: VmTableData::store failed – Table ‘weblutio_asp.asp_virtuemart_categories_it_it’ doesn’t exist SQL=INSERT INTO `asp_virtuemart_categories_it_it` `virtuemart_category_id`,`category_name`,`category_description`,`metadesc`,`metakey`,`customtitle`,`slug`) VALUES (’10’,’Categoria’,”,”,”,”,’categoria’)

    Can anyone help me?
    Thanks 🙂

    pavit Moderator

    Hi filomena78

    Could you send me via PM your back end details so i can check your configuration and try to find a solution for this ?


    pavit Moderator

    Hi Filomena

    Regarding the Virtuemart italian categories now as you can see on your site the categories are in italian language and can be created new categories without problems i have enabled and setted as default the italian language for your site and changed configuration for categories on virtuemart so it has created new tables for this and now everything seems to work fine i have also created a new category and a new product.

    Regarding the slideshow i have disabled the Js optimization from your template manager and now it’s showed fine on both pages Home and Shop as you can see.

    Penso di aver risolto i tuoi problemi per ora

    filomena78 Friend

    Hi pavit,
    it seems to be working now thanks a lot 🙂
    But please can you tell me exactly what and where you have changed, so if I have to do it again on another site I know how to do 🙂
    I refer in particular to “changed configuration for categories on virtuemart”.
    Thanks again 🙂

    pavit Moderator


    Virtuemart shows all the features based on the site language, your site before had the default language in english and virtuemart was configured to show all features in english this type of configuration was made by virtuemart during the component installation procedure so it makes the new tables for all configuration in that language, when you switch your site to italian it hasn’t table configuration for that language so the categories are not recognized and not only by the component

    To repair to this you need first to switch your default language to italian or another language different from english and then change all the configuration for virtuemart inside component configuration Tab and save your changes, in this way it creates all the new tables on the db for your new language .

    Spero di essere stato chiaro altrimenti lo spiego in Italiano

    filomena78 Friend

    sei stato chiarissimo, anche se capisco decisamente meglio l’italiano 🙂
    devo cercare di capire il funzionamento sia del template che di virtuemart…
    ora ad esempio ho un altro errore: The choosen template couldnt found on the filesystem: JA_Orisite …

    comunque non riesco proprio a trovare dove si imposta la lingua in virtuemart :((

    pavit Moderator

    <blockquote>comunque non riesco proprio a trovare dove si imposta la lingua in virtuemart </blockquote>

    In virtuemart la lingua è impostata di default il componente mostra il proprio contenuto in base alla lingua di default del sito

    filomena78 Friend

    io ho impostato la lingua su joomla in italiano diverse volte e VM non funzionava, solo dopo il tuo intervento mi faceva creare le categorie e i prodotti perciò pensavo avessi impostato qualcosa manualmente, visto che parlavi anche di tabelle …
    credo mi sfugga qualcosa :(( comunque non preoccuparti, non voglio approfittare della tua disponibilità.
    ora devo risolvere il problema dell’errore The choosen template couldnt found on the filesystem: JA_Orisite … ci deve essere qualcosa che non va … appaiono anche strani simboli al posto dell’€ … :((

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