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  • rusty1001 Friend

    Warning: imagejpeg() [function.imagejpeg]: Unable to open ‘
    /modules/ja_news/helper.php on line 123

    This seems is woring offline and online , getting errors with thumbnail, some thumbnails working some not, new info added does not work…


    joomla 1.1 teline 2 off line WAMP server, latest php 5.2

    online php 4.4.4.
    also resized thumbnail links have double slash

    /resized//images could be a problem..


    $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($tn_width,$tn_height);
    //imageantialias ($dst, true);
    if (function_exists('imageantialias')) imageantialias ($dst, true);
    imagecopyresampled ($dst, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $tn_width, $tn_height, $width, $height);
    imagejpeg($dst, $resized, 90); // write the thumbnail to cache as well...
    return "images/resized/".$rzname;

    rusty1001 Friend

    I think I know the problem,

    any image folder that as been starting with a capital letter is causing problems,if I rename the main image folder to a smaller letter , it cannot find the the file,

    is there a way around this, code perhaps to ignore letter sizes because I will have to go to every file/content page and rename , i think JA owe me a memebership 🙂 he he he hhehe …..spent time trying to analysis instead of giving up 🙂


    rusty1001 Friend

    I think this may be an apache linux server issue, but have not had this before, so is there a way around the ja news module image thumbnails ?

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  rusty1001 16 years, 5 months ago.

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