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  • pimmar Friend

    Always i will watch the clock tick by and check when the new template is available
    for its members…. as others say its a similar template once again

    Complete different layout, outside the box theme and new / vibrant color choices would be
    a change, a great module for changing the background maybe ?

    will be hanging in there as i renewed my membership, try to surprise us
    in a couple of weeks please 🙂

    TomC Moderator

    You all demanded two templates a month when it was brought up for discussion – this is what you get when you rush things.

    toddah Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 61384 wrote:</em><blockquote>You all demanded two templates a month when it was brought up for discussion – this is what you get when you rush things.</blockquote>

    That argument is false. Nothing is preventing JA from creating two good, NEW, innovative templates per month. Nobody is rushing them and that is how they market after all. I’m new to Joomla and JA but it does seem several of the last templates aren’t much different.

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@toddah 61410 wrote:</em><blockquote>That argument is false. Nothing is preventing JA from creating two good, NEW, innovative templates per month. Nobody is rushing them and that is how they market after all. I’m new to Joomla and JA but it does seem several of the last templates aren’t much different.</blockquote>
    Nobody is rushing them ?? – I’d say the rant and demand for two templates per month is putting somewhat of a rush on them . . . especially considering that virtuallY EVERY other Joomla Template Club is on the one-per-month business model. (Gee, what a surprise that we see frequent “this club is better, that club is better” posts).

    Perhaps if the members would allow JA to go to ONE template per month (i.e. more time/focus to work on it), you may see a difference in quality / innovation. As it stands now – based on how many members here chimed in during previous discussions – the demand is for two templates a month and, as such, there is less time to spend/develop on the templates than there would be for one.

    It also stands to simple logical reasoning that with one template per month, there would be more focus on troubleshooting and bug issues – as opposed to having to deal with MORE templates. It’s common sensical – 12 less templates per year = more time to focus on the 12 that are released.

    VisiGod Friend


    Can I kindly ask you to stop screaming?
    We are demanding as we paid for that. If they are unable to offer it, to not offer it.

    mihu Friend

    well .. both of you guys got fair amount of thanked, which means both of you guys put effort on this forum.
    All I can said is diff. people got diff. taste and expections. All we can do is express our opinion without argue to each other.

    I like 1 excellent template per month, but Joomla art states they are going to make 2 per months. I do think people have right to get their 2 templates, or evenmore. People can ask for 2 nice templates.

    I also believe someone like me will stop saying we like one template instead of two IF two templates turn out to be good tempalte. Anyway .. I gave up to wait a nice new template.
    I only use 1 JA template for my friend’s site, and I can’t find a good one for myself. 😀

    Anyway .. all of us expects a nice template and let’s stop argue we want 1 or 2 template per month.
    We all want NICE TEMPLATE. 🙂
    I hope JA can fixed our issue.
    I hope JA won’t leave us w/ bunch of bad tempaltes and create a new site.

    bigrk Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 61459 wrote:</em><blockquote>Nobody is rushing them ?? – I’d say the rant and demand for two templates per month is putting somewhat of a rush on them . . . especially considering that virtuallY EVERY other Joomla Template Club is on the one-per-month business model. (Gee, what a surprise that we see frequent “this club is better, that club is better” posts).

    Perhaps if the members would allow JA to go to ONE template per month (i.e. more time/focus to work on it), you may see a difference in quality / innovation. As it stands now – based on how many members here chimed in during previous discussions – the demand is for two templates a month and, as such, there is less time to spend/develop on the templates than there would be for one.

    It also stands to simple logical reasoning that with one template per month, there would be more focus on troubleshooting and bug issues – as opposed to having to deal with MORE templates. It’s common sensical – 12 less templates per year = more time to focus on the 12 that are released.</blockquote>

    Tom, JA has never suggested that they wanted to go down to one template a month. It has always been a handful of members that continue to bring this issue up. JA also has enough developers to produce 2 quality templates a month but in my opinion JA has always exhibited poor time management skills which forces them to rush or copy previous template layouts to meet or try to meet the proposed release dates. So it is not the members holding JA back. It has always been JA holding themselves back. I also do not believe that if JA went to 1 template a month that there would be any change towards their focus on troubleshooting and bug issues. The choice for the number of templates to produce has always and will always be JA’s. To suggest that the members are holding JA back is absurd.

    My Two Cents — RK

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@bigrk 61476 wrote:</em><blockquote>Tom, JA has never suggested that they wanted to go down to one template a month.[/quote]
    I believe that Hung brought up the possibility / suggestion last year – with the majority response from those members who responded saying that they wanted to keep their two-a-month delivery schedule.

    Of course, despite the reasoning behind the benefit of a one-a-month schedule . . . those who demanded two-a-month are generally the ones who are the first to complain about the lack of innovation, creativity and/or functionality – ironic, isn’t it?

    bigrk JA also has enough developers to produce 2 quality templates a month but in my opinion JA has always exhibited poor time management skills which forces them to rush or copy previous template layouts to meet or try to meet the proposed release dates.[/quote]
    As I do not have first-hand knowledge of the number of Development Team members Hung has working with/for him – I cannot comment credulously on this issue . . . so you may very well be correct. If it is as you say, then I would agree that Hung seriously needs to re-evaluate his business model. Something is not being managed properly.

    I also do not believe that if JA went to 1 template a month that there would be any change towards their focus on troubleshooting and bug issues. The choice for the number of templates to produce has always and will always be JA’s. To suggest that the members are holding JA back is absurd.

    I wasn’t suggesting that it was “members” holding JA back – though I do think that the contiued demand for two-per-month is a contributing factor. Overall, however, you are correct that the power is always in Hung’s hands on how he wants to handle things.

    Truth be told, I have a feeling that Hung tries to please everyone – which may be causing him to loose focus, spread himself too thin and, in a sense, control of things all around. (If I’m not mistaken, doesn’t Hung run the site as well?) I do not know how he keeps in touch and/or supervises his Development Staff – but this is obviously an area that needs to be tightened and streamlined – BIG TIME.

    In my opinion, JA’s flagship templates are the Teline series. In between, there have been some really nice offerings – Dravity, Pariiti, Rochea, Quijilla. So, we KNOW that Hung and his crew have the capability of producing some really great stuff. I guess the thing Hung and his Staff need to group together and seriously discuss is – WHAT HAPPENED?


    VisiGod Friend

    You still don’t get it? It is not a demand, but a trade agreement.

    tifa29 Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 61459 wrote:</em><blockquote>Nobody is rushing them ?? …

    ….Perhaps if the members would allow JA to go to ONE template per month (i.e. more time/focus to work on it), you may see a difference in quality / innovation. As it stands now – based on how many members here chimed in during previous discussions – the demand is for two templates a month and, as such, there is less time to spend/develop on the templates than there would be for one…

    …It also stands to simple logical reasoning that with one template per month, there would be more focus on troubleshooting and bug issues – as opposed to having to deal with MORE templates. It’s common sensical – 12 less templates per year = more time to focus on the 12 that are released.</blockquote>


    Easy logic:

    Team 1 (f.e. 2 people) makes 1 template wich comes out every 1th in a month. They have 1 month! (30 days!) to release a good template.

    Team 2 (f.e. 2 people) makes 1 template wich comes out every 15th in a month. They have 1 month! (30 days!) to release a good template.

    That is rushing?! That is impossible?

    TomC Moderator

    <em>@tifa29 62018 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Team 1 (f.e. 2 people) makes 1 template wich comes out every 1th in a month. They have 1 month! (30 days!) to release a good template.

    Team 2 (f.e. 2 people) makes 1 template wich comes out every 15th in a month. They have 1 month! (30 days!) to release a good template.

    That is rushing?! That is impossible?</blockquote>
    Is this how things are structured – or are you just guessing?

    Menalto Friend

    <em>@tcraw1010 62149 wrote:</em><blockquote>Is this how things are structured – or are you just guessing?</blockquote>

    If you have 30 min to complete a template, thats a rush…. If you have 3 days you have plenty of time.If you have 30 days,well, then you have time for a looooooooong vacation in the mean time:p

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Menalto 62156 wrote:</em><blockquote>If you have 30 min to complete a template, thats a rush…. If you have 3 days you have plenty of time.If you have 30 days,well, then you have time for a looooooooong vacation in the mean time:p</blockquote>

    So, Menalto,

    By your calculation “we” can have 10 templates a month? Bug free, I hope? Even if that is halved or let’s say 1 a week, “we” can have about 4 a month, with lot’s of vacation, in between?:)

    I would dream of one very very good template a month, and the bulk of the time spent to create innovative stuff in between, for example, create extensions for the “best” template


    tifa29 Friend

    Is this how things are structured – or are you just guessing?</blockquote>

    Guessing and recommendation . With two small staff (1 staff = 2 people) is it possible to make 2 good template in a month, because every staff have 30! days to do his one good template.

    Menalto Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 62289 wrote:</em><blockquote>So, Menalto,

    By your calculation “we” can have 10 templates a month? Bug free, I hope? Even if that is halved or let’s say 1 a week, “we” can have about 4 a month, with lot’s of vacation, in between?:)

    I would dream of one very very good template a month, and the bulk of the time spent to create innovative stuff in between, for example, create extensions for the “best” template


    Yes, i can’t see anything that stops that. Ofcourse changes is needed here and there.

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