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  • questbg Friend

    Hi Everybody

    There is probably a really simple solution to this, but I’ve wasted hours this morning looking around in Admin and in code, and just can’t see it!

    OK. When I click on a section, the ‘grey’ colours change:

    However, when I click down into a category, the colours all change to grey again:

    If somebody could please tell me how to apply the section colour to the categories within that section!

    Many Thanks

    questbg Friend

    apart from the above colour issue, I have another problem.

    I have duplicated one of the ‘standard’ colour .css files, renamed it as ‘discounts’, changed the colour ID and input this for my section ID in the JA News module:

    This seems to work OK when I go to the ‘discounts’ section:

    However, this doesn’t alter my mouseover on JA News area of the home page. The section name stays in the old colour:

    How can I apply the colour to that rollover on the section name? Have I missed this somewhere in the .css file?


    questbg Friend

    Anyone? Or should I be asking this on the Joomla forum?

    I don’t know if this is Joomla or Template related :-[

    questbg Friend

    Bump! Lots of mods on today so thought I’d bump this up in the hope of a reply! :p

    cgc0202 Friend


    You cannot use “discounts” as a “class or ID” CSS to replace any of the color themes — unless you create another group of css for it.
    If you don’t create another group of CSS for discount, what you observe is as you stated, the default “gray” mouseover.

    To specify the color for the section, you are allowed to use the 6 colors given. And, if you do, the same color should go to the category level. At least that is how it shows in all my sites. Try it. If it does not work for you, it might be because of your Joomla-Teline II version. But, as far as I know, it has been like that since Teline II v1.1

    If you do not want any of the colors, you can change the CSS specifications.

    You have done so much customization to your site and CSS, so this might be an introduced bug. To test this, you must create a Demo page using a fresh install of the latest QuickStart kit.


    kije Friend

    I have been able to get the mouse over colour to change to my desired colour, but I can’t sort the main tab:((

    I added

    .jazin-boxwrap:hover.jazin-theme-yellow div.jazin-section a span,
    .jazin-boxwrap.jazin-theme-yellow .hover div.jazin-section a span {
    background: #FFCC00; /*yellow*/

    to the ja.news.css file then added the name to the ID in ja.news mod

    Would appreciate the answer to how can I get the colour onto my main tab?


    kije Friend

    Got it sorted, was tired last night. As cgc0202 said create another colour group of css. Gives you a lot of control over your tab colours.

    /templates/ja_teline_ii_1_6/css/colors/theme-“whatever colour you want within reason!”.css .

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  kije 15 years, 11 months ago.

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