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  • alemao59 Friend

    Hi all,
    i am setting up for a client a new website using the community plus template. As i wanted to integrate a quick booking tool into the template, which is using 3 own js files and 1 own css file i ran into a problem. I used the custom code module to integrate this booking tool box.

    1. the booking tool box doesnt work
    2. the calender popup displays under the main area of the template (see attached pic)

    Maybe there are some js conflicts. I have tried to setup the path to the js files in various ways but no one worked. I also tired to put the js and css file into the default.xml file – but no sucess.

    How can i get this working?

    1. screen
    Blaine Friend

    Have you asked this question i the forum of the people who created the Booking Tool you are using? Does the booking tool work with a standard Joomla template?

    alemao59 Friend

    Hi, yes i did speak with the people who created the boooking tool and they couldnt help me. And yes the booking tool is working a standard Joomla template.

    Blaine Friend

    Are you sure it is Javascript conflict and not a MooTools conflict?

    There are MANY ways to avoid a conflict.
    Yes, Mootools and jQuery can conflict each other, when you load both on your page.
    They can use same method names, therefore one of both could break.
    In Joomla 1.5 errors for removing handlers.

    <jdoc:include type="head" />

    This, is because Joomla 1.5 uses MooTools and Caption javascript frameworks, for the backend admin panel, but also some components may require it.
    If you want your own choice of which framework you would like to use.
    In the top of your index.php template:

    $headerstuff = $this->getHeadData();
    $headerstuff['scripts'] = array();

    Conflicts are solved!

    Did you know JQuery has the possibility to use an alternative for $ in order to avoid conflicts?
    For example:



    $j = jQuery.noConflict();

    See also: http://docs.jquery.com/Using_jQuery_with_Other_Libraries
    See if any of this helps you!

    alemao59 Friend

    Thanks. I will try and let you know how it works out.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  alemao59 13 years ago.

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