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  • iorfino Friend


    can you help me to configure the facebook module in homepage grid to link to a fb page?



    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Nino,

    I changed the output of the Facebook module on your site to:

    <a href="https://www.facebook.com/tunabites/" target="_blank"> <div class="facebook-like"></div></a>

    and it’s working now.


    iorfino Friend

    Thank you!
    One more help please. I need to configure the social link bar on the top right of the page but for some reason i can’t see it.



    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Nino,

    When you add HTML custom module, pls try to disable the default editor (in Global configuration) first as by default, it will strip HTML tags so that you didn’t see any content of this module.

    I just added again for you and icons are showing fine now.


    iorfino Friend

    Hi Saguaros
    sorry i can see the module and the script in the backend but i don’t see the social-links icons in the home page.
    Same in your demo page, the social icons are invisible today… it could be depend on addthis server?

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Nino,

    It may due to the connection between your place and addthis server because I can see it displays fine: http://prntscr.com/hspl14


    iorfino Friend

    Hi Saguaros
    It is the avast anti-tracking filter that cause this probem on addthis links. Now i have disabled it and i see all social icons.

    Last thing. I have installed italian language for the content side but the "read more" button is still in english.



    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Nino,

    You can easily change it via language file of template.

    For example, in English, it would be this file: [root]/language/en-GB/en-GB.tpl_ja_fixel.ini

    for other languages, it would be: [root]/language/xx-XX/xx-XX.tpl_ja_fixel.ini

    xx-XX is the language code (if this file doesn’t exist, just create it)

    Look for this language string and translate to your own words.


    iorfino Friend

    Hi Saguraros,

    I followed your instuction and i have modified all the text string. thank you.

    It remain a doubt on this variable FIXEL_COM_CONTENT_PARENT

    If you see the artcle in the blog section under the title you can see :

    creato il 01 Agosto 2013 FIXEL_COM_CONTENT_PARENT in Arte

    instead of the content it appear the variable name.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Did you try to add text string for that variable?

    FIXEL_COM_CONTENT_PARENT = "your text here"

    iorfino Friend

    I added now in it-IT.tpl_ja_fixel.ini and it works.
    Is it this the scope for this variable? I was thinking about a dynamic variable with the parent category name.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Glad to hear that it works now!

    It’s dynamic variable as in other language file, you use the same variable and tranlation and it will display associated language text.


    iorfino Friend

    I see.
    I have a last issue with google maps in contact page.
    I set up a new api key and lat / long coordinate but the map remain on the default position of the demo.

    Saguaros Moderator

    Hi Nino,

    For the new question, pls help us to create a new topic, it’ll be helpful if other has the same concern.

    Thank you!

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This topic contains 13 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Saguaros 7 years ago.

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