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  • proterra Friend

    If you show over the article the category name there is a failure, because of missing a closing <a> Tag:

    <blockquote>span class=”article-section”>
    Infos – </span>
    <span class=”article-category”>
    <a href=”/news.html”> News </span>


    So our article-text ist completly linked with the domain /news.html

    aman204 Friend

    To avoid confusion,Can you please provide screenshot marked with annotation of the area you wish to refer to

    proterra Friend

    See in the screenshot, it is in the detail view from the article.

    1. joomlart_op
    aman204 Friend

    Link would be needed to check it as it is tough to judge the issue from screeenshot

    proterra Friend

    <em>@aman204 209401 wrote:</em><blockquote>Link would be needed to check it as it is tough to judge the issue from screeenshot</blockquote>

    Only till tomorrow:

    aman204 Friend

    Please re-check the html output of specific article with editor turned off as I can see that it is wrapped with a href reference::

    <a href=”/news.html”>RSC Anderlecht gegen Ajax Amsterdam – ein echter Leckerbissen, vor allen Dingen zuschauertechnisch betrachtet. Man wird sich nicht lumpen lassen, jeweils tausende Gästefans werden zum Duell ins Nachbarland fahren. Auf einen feuchtfröhlichen Ausflug in die Altstadt von Prag dürfen sich die Anhänger des FC Liverpool freuen, in der tschechischen Hauptstadt steht das Duell zwischen Sparta Prag und den Reds auf dem Programm. Mit den Russen werden es die beiden Schweizer Vertreter zu tun haben. Während der FC Basel auf Spartak Moskau trifft, wird Young Boys Bern gegen Zenit St. Petersburg spielen.

    <br> <br>Ebenso in die russische Hauptstadt reisen wird PAOK Saloniki, das es im Sechzehntelfinale der Europa League mit ZSKA Moskau zu tun haben wird. Dem Stadtrivalen Aris Saloniki wurde der englische Spitzenverein Manchester City zugelost.</a>

    and remove the reference

    proterra Friend

    The problem is not the article, the problem are your template (like all joomlart templates – all are extremly buggy). I know html, php, and css and before I posted here I check all. See in my first post I located the problem by myself. Deactivate now the function.

    I am very disappointed about the products here, every template that I tested are full of failures and bugs. My major defect in this year is to become a member here

    aman204 Friend

    Sorry but I had debugged the html reference and could see the above relative issue

    Other way, Can you pm me superadmin and ftp details to take closer look

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

This topic contains 8 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  aman204 14 years ago.

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