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  • Sherlock Friend

    Some bugs that users often have

    1. Problem – WYSIWYG won’t work
    Can’t access wysiwyg editors from the front end in this template

    2. Question – Getting an error when I preview the template
    3. Question – Add module position under main menu
    3. Bug with Virtuemart : product image
    4. Changing Template Color on the fly
    5. where can I edit the footer?
    6. “Page 1 of 2” Has No Link to Get to Page 2
    7. Top margin on IE7 and Read more Lang
    8. Main menu not shomwing if one eleent is a separator

    videovic Friend

    I cant find the template config link.

    im using joomla 1.0.15


    leslieriggs Friend

    <em>@videovic 48925 wrote:</em><blockquote>I cant find the template config link.

    im using joomla 1.0.15

    I’m having the same problem, using Joomla 1.0.15 as well. I’m used to using the “Edit HTML” in the admin backend template manager, but I’m lost as to where to select the desired color scheme that I want.

    I also noticed the default template isn’t named “template_css.css”, so when you click on “Edit CSS” it tells you it can’t find the file.

    Found it — there’s now a separate file for template parameters/configuration: joomla/templates/ja_edenite/ja_vars_1.0x.php

    When you click “edit HTML” and look at the code, you’ll see it references that file up top, that’s how the parameters get pulled in.

    imurillo Friend

    Joomla 1.5.3
    Tempalte Ja_edenite
    When I publish JA_newflas module I have this message

    Direct Access to this location is not allowed

    I think this code is wrong

    What shoul I put in “>##IMAGE##,

    <div style=”overflow:hidden; height:323px;” ><div class=”nfimages”>##IMAGE##</div><div class=”nftitle”>##TITLE##</div><div class=”nfcontent”>##CONTENT##</div></div>


    Sherlock Friend

    Hi imurillo
    Plz read HERE to have solution
    Good luck

    playerstransfer Friend

    <em>@nguoiabcd 57848 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi imurillo
    Plz read HERE to have solution
    Good luck</blockquote>

    I am having problems with where to get access to change the picture “Welcome to our services” at the front page of JA EDENITE. Somebody could tell me where in the administration system i could change this picture?

    imurillo Friend

    Hola ese problemadel Direct acces, lo resolví no utilizando esos módulos, Hace mucho tiempo que tengo un problema con el Menú y nadie ha podido ayudarme, miren esta página web, Lo que sucede es que hago clic en una opción del menú y se visualiza resalta (celeste) en el menú otras de las opciones en la que no hice clic.


    Otro caso es que siempre esta resaltado (celeste) la palabra INICIO aún cuando hago clic en otro elemento del menú.

    ysbook12 Friend

    Can any body help me with the following error on the Edenite template. I have joomla 1.5 running on a test server and when I preview the template I get the following error message and the template is missing images and the css looks wrong as well.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/templates/ja_edenite/ja_menus/Base.class.php on line 156

    Install base. Joomla 1.5.4 with PHP 5 and Mysql 4

    Anonymous Moderator
    jascanio Friend

    Hi all,
    I cannot modifiy template paramentes. I’m getting a params.ini uniwritable message. I cannot change JA Edenite log and slogan.
    Can anyone help?

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