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  • matt1ga Friend

    After reading the “before posting” thread in the general questions catagory I have figured out to post the problem here:

    I am having this fatal error appeal when people use IE 6:

    fatal error: call to undefined method JA_tools::genToolMenu_ie6()
    in home/etc/etc/index.php on line 141

    any help?

    matt1ga Friend

    Ok here is the code a couple of lines above and below line 141. And please dont hold back on any tips that will provide the most efficient way of getting this problem solved. Thank you

    <div id="ja-pathway">
    <div id="ja-usertoolswrap">
    <div id="ja-usertools">
    <?php if($supported_browsers) $tempTools->genToolMenu(1); else $tempTools->genToolMenu_ie6(1); ?>
    <?php if($supported_browsers) $tempTools->genToolMenu(2); else $tempTools->genToolMenu_ie6(2); ?>
    <?php //if($JAconfig->ja_tool & 1) $tempTools->genToolMenu(1); ?>
    <?php //if($JAconfig->ja_tool & 2) $tempTools->genToolMenu(2); ?>

    matt1ga Friend

    -The website url is: http://www.nexxteptest.com
    -Components installed: Fireboard, Community Builder, Phoca Gallery
    -Joomla! 1.5.2
    -Only modifications I have made to the template is replaced the Ja Newsflash module with a static image.

    Hopefully this will help determine what the problem is.

    matt1ga Friend

    instantinlaw Friend

    matt1ga;56742-The website url is: http://www.nexxteptest.com
    -Components installed: Fireboard, Community Builder, Phoca Gallery
    -Joomla! 1.5.2
    -Only modifications I have made to the template is replaced the Ja Newsflash module with a static image.

    Hopefully this will help determine what the problem is.

    Maybe when you deleted the JA Newsflas module you also deleted a piece of code that those php if statements need to run.
    You could try commenting out the php if statements and see if the error goes away. But check in IE6 to see what happens.
    Or restore the code you deleted.
    Or comment out the whole user tools div

    [php]<div id=”ja-usertools”>
    <?php if($supported_browsers) $tempTools->genToolMenu(1); else $tempTools->genToolMenu_ie6(1); ?>
    <?php if($supported_browsers) $tempTools->genToolMenu(2); else $tempTools->genToolMenu_ie6(2); ?>
    <?php //if($JAconfig->ja_tool & 1) $tempTools->genToolMenu(1); ?>
    <?php //if($JAconfig->ja_tool & 2) $tempTools->genToolMenu(2); ?>
    </div> [/php]


    [PHP]<div id=”ja-pathway”>
    <div id=”ja-usertoolswrap”>
    <div id=”ja-usertools”>
    <?php /*?><?php if($supported_browsers) $tempTools->genToolMenu(1); else $tempTools->genToolMenu_ie6(1); ?>
    <?php if($supported_browsers) $tempTools->genToolMenu(2); else $tempTools->genToolMenu_ie6(2); ?>
    <?php //if($JAconfig->ja_tool & 1) $tempTools->genToolMenu(1); ?>
    <?php //if($JAconfig->ja_tool & 2) $tempTools->genToolMenu(2); ?><?php */?>

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