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  • thi phan Friend

    Please help! I got this error message after installing the Teline V template: Fatal error: Class ‘JATemplateHelper’ not found in /home/tieng231/public_html/templates/ja_teline_v/html/com_content/article/default.php on line 26

    How do I fix it?

    pavit Moderator


    Could you double check your administrator account provided here ? i cannot access your backend.

    thi phan Friend

    Sorry, I reset the account and reinstalled joomla and reinstalled the template successfully but still dont dare to activate it. Please try again as I recreated the same administrator account. Thanks!

    pavit Moderator


    You forgot to install the t3-Framework plugin , without this plugin joomlart templates cannot work , i installed it for you and now your template is ok.

    Follow documentation page HERE to setup your website.

    Best regards

    thi phan Friend

    Thank you so much!

    thi phan Friend

    It still doesn’t look like the Demo version. Can you please help install the sample data like the demo so that I can set up my website more easily? Thank you so much!

    pavit Moderator

    It still doesn’t look like the Demo version.


    If you want it like demo site you will need to install the quickstart version , it install Joomla plus template like demo with all data , so you will need to start from scratch again on a clean environment

    empty folder where install quickstart and a new database

    download quickstart over your server -> extract it in your folder and launch installation -> when requested fill in your database details and remember to install sample data when requested.

    Follow documentation HERE

    thi phan Friend

    Thank you!

    thi phan Friend

    I tried unpublishing 4 modules and got a 404 error message, so I published them back, but the message did not go away. Please help!

    Article not found
    Please try one of the following pages: Home Page

    pavit Moderator


    This topic has a different name and is referring to another problem, please open a new topic for your issue and add to it also a temp super user account and an ur for your website.

    This will help other users with your same issue to find correctly the solution.


Viewing 10 posts - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)

This topic contains 9 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  pavit 7 years, 11 months ago.

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