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  • ngizli Friend

    Please help! Is this something to do with my server environment? If I was to do a fresh Joomla install I usually do not have the following issue…

    I am having this error on the install process of this template – had the same issue on JA Teline also! I upload the Quickstart package and point my browser to start the install process and the following errors come up:

    Warning: import(/homepages/23/d88456467/htdocs/gizli.org/libraries/pattemplate/patTemplate.php) [function.import]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /homepages/23/d88456467/htdocs/gizli.org/libraries/loader.php on line 80

    Warning: import() [function.include]: Failed opening ‘/homepages/23/d88456467/htdocs/gizli.org/libraries/pattemplate/patTemplate.php’ for inclusion (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php’) in /homepages/23/d88456467/htdocs/gizli.org/libraries/loader.php on line 80

    Fatal error: Class jtemplate: Cannot inherit from undefined class pattemplate in /homepages/23/d88456467/htdocs/gizli.org/libraries/joomla/template/template.php on line 30

    ngizli Friend

    I have actually figured out what is happening here I think…for all that may have a similar issue; my server was unzipping my directory and filenames were being copied lower keys!!! i.e. “patTemplate.php” was being unzipped as “pattemplate.php” etc. So I had to unzip on my local machine and then FTP unzipped files – it is a pain seeing there are over 3000 files but no choice really…

    It worked after I installed this way…

    Sherlock Friend

    Seem your server have problem with unzip because i have seen you have that problem with some template

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