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  • orsha Friend

    Hi All,

    I’m using Joomla 1.5 with the quickstart download of ja_ores.

    the domain name is

    I managed to download and make it work, though when I try to see an article (url – /administrator/index.php?option=com_content&sectionid=-1&task=edit&cid[/url][]=43)

    i get the following message –

    I’m a beginner with a small knowledge of html, please try to answer me in that manner.



    Manos Moderator

    The problem is in the back end (administration) ? Because i can’t see a problem in the frontent.

    Also do you have any extra plugins installed ?

    orsha Friend


    I added everything that was on the quick start…i assume it’s all the plugins that comes with the ja ores package.

    I don’t know if that has anything to do with it, but before i manged to install the quickstart i tried installing joomla through godaddy, could that be the problem? if so, what shell i do…?



    Manos Moderator

    If you haven’t done any modifications to build your site yet i sugest to delete everything – clean your db and start over, usually this is a problem in files uploaded from ftp so try to reupload everything

    I hope that helps.

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