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  • saswiss Friend

    I get the following error when I tried to use the extended fields per item/category. Now the whole site is not displayed correctly!!!

    Fatal error: Call to undefined method K2ViewItemlist::buildAliasBasedExtraFields()

    what am I doing wrong???>:(

    phong nam Friend

    Hi saswiss,

    You can try to backup your files and update to latest version K2 2.6.7, it may help you to solve this problem which was announced to be fixed in the earlier verision v2.6.x. Remember to clear System cache after updating this component.

    saswiss Friend

    Hi Leo,
    thanks for the advice…did the update, cleared the cache and now the whole site is without the proper layout!:((
    It seems as if the css file got changed…not sure though…grrrr

    phong nam Friend

    Hi saswiss,

    Can you put your website’s url here and describe more details on the layout problem ? Since updating the K2 component will not affect on the css files or our K2 customized files in templates/ja_lens/html/ folder yet.

    saswiss Friend


    I’m sure you’ll see the ‘layout problem’ as soon as you open the site;)

    phong nam Friend

    Hi saswiss,

    There is a serious problem with the website’s homepage because all layout structures and css styles are gone away while other pages still display fine : . Well, can you backup your website and send me PM with the admin login info ? I will help you to check this weird issue.

    saswiss Friend

    hi Leo,
    I now removed the extended field to the specific category and it’s back to normal again…what could be the problem?
    Here 2 screenshots…the before and after extended fields used:

    1. site_without_extendedused
    2. error_after_extended
    phong nam Friend

    Hi saswiss,

    I need some times to check this issue carefully on both our JA Lens demo and your website. I will back to you with detailed explanation tomorrow morning. Is it fine, mate ?

    saswiss Friend

    thanks! I eagerly await your good news 🙂

    phong nam Friend

    Hi saswiss,

    I have updated the codes of Extra fields in our customized K2 category item layout on Joomla 2.5.14 by replacing:

    if(count($this->item->extra_fields)) {
    if (count($extra_fields)) {
    foreach ($extra_fields as $key=>$extraField) {
    if ($extraField->name == $xclass_key) {
    $xclass = $extraField->value;


    $k2obj = new K2ModelItem();
    $fields = $k2obj->getItemExtraFields($this->item->extra_fields, $this->item);
    //echo $this->item->extraFields->State->name;
    echo $this->item->extraFields->FIELD_ALIAS->value;

    in templatesja_lenshtmlcom_k2ja_lenscategory_item.php file.

    Your website works fine with K2 extra fields now.

    saswiss Friend

    THANK you so much!!! you are an absolute star 😉

Viewing 11 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

This topic contains 11 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  saswiss 11 years ago.

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