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  • questbg Friend

    Hi Everyone

    I’m currently building a demo site for a new client (Telline III and Joomla 1.5.18).

    Everything was working fine and I spent two hours with the client yesterday, going through the demo site and finalilzing the layout, sections, categories, menus, etc.

    This morning I logged into Admin to start making some changes, however, I’m getting the following error every time I try to edit anything (sections, categories or articles):

    “Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::onDisplay() in /home/annsu3/public_html/my-test-site/thefrenchweek/libraries/joomla/html/editor.php on line 268”

    I changed the default Editor from JCE back to Tiny, but this made no difference. I then set the global config to ‘No Editor’ but again, the same problem.

    I then checked line 268 in the file causing the problem, but can’t see anything out of place:

    // Get plugins
    $plugins = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('editors-xtd');

    foreach($plugins as $plugin)
    if(is_array($buttons) && in_array($plugin->name, $buttons)) {

    $isLoaded = JPluginHelper::importPlugin('editors-xtd', $plugin->name, false);

    $className = 'plgButton'.$plugin->name;
    if(class_exists($className)) {
    $plugin = new $className($this, (array)$plugin);

    // Try to authenticate -- only add to array if authentication is successful
    $resultTest = $plugin->onDisplay($editor);
    if ($resultTest) $result[] = $resultTest;

    Does anybody have any ideas what’s causing this?

    Or, more importantly, how to fix it!

    Thanks in advance.

    Manos Moderator

    First why don’t you update on joomla 1.5.21 and 2nd which editor are you using ?

    questbg Friend

    fixed – thanks 🙂

    Erik Villeneuve Friend

    Hi pascm,

    I have the same problem and I’m using 1.5.26. any idea how to fix that problem?

    Editor: JCE latest version. But, even with Tiny MCE or No editor, the problem still there.

    chavan Friend
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