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  • zentering Friend

    Hi all,

    I have set the home in main manu to show featured articles.
    When clicking on the home menu it shows a blank page. The article are set to featured.


    j 1.6
    Ja:rasite template.

    All the best / M

    mayuri_g Friend

    Hello, Try to show the featured artical using following steps:
    1)Menus >> main menu >> New >> select Artical Item Type as Featured artical,
    2) give name to main menu as Home,
    3) state : published,
    4) access: public,
    5) menu location: main menu,
    6) Parent Item: Menu Item root
    7) Target Window: Parent,
    8) Default Page: No,
    9) Language: English UK
    keep other parameter as it is.
    then save the main menu.

    Then create Artical
    goto content >> Artical manager >> new artical,
    In that artical give name,publish,access:public, add data in the editor ,
    then save the artical and close it.

    In the list of articals you will see column featured just after published. click on featured and mark that artical as featured.

    In the front end you will see that artical after click on home.

Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  mayuri_g 13 years, 3 months ago.

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