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  • kevin@tech4impact.com Friend

    I’m using Features Intro Style 1 and when I test with firebug this code appears when I go below 767 px and removes the Block Intro Text

    @media (max-width: 767px)
    .hidden-xs {
    display: none !important;

    When using firebug and I uncheck the display – it shows. I was hoping to find a way to use my custom.css to make this work but haven’t figured it out.

    I saw this thread which seams similar https://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/hero-style-4-media-screen-767px/

    I’m unclear what the solution is and a but apprehensive to touch the templates and compile etc. Is there a way to redefine using code in my custom.css. If not could use some detailed instructions on how to find this code and eliminate it or assistance making the change – credentials provided and site has been backed up

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    Open file "/acm/features-intro/tmpl/style-1.php" in template "uber"


            <p class="container-sm section-intro hidden-xs"><?php echo $helper->get('block-intro'); ?></p>

    replace it with

            <p class="container-sm section-intro "><?php echo $helper->get('block-intro'); ?></p>

    save and check.


    kevin@tech4impact.com Friend

    The code provided resolved the issue – will I need to make this change each time template is updated?

    Pankaj Sharma Moderator

    To create override copy this file in below path
    Open file "local/acm/features-intro/tmpl/style-1.php" in template "uber"

    now it works as override and update will not override the file.


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