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  • jimcapraro Friend

    In the “body” section of the Front Page I’m receiving the following error.

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: Permission denied in /home2/bostonli/public_html/templates/ja_sulfur/ja_templatetools_1.5.php on line 519

    What directory/files do I need to chmod to 777?

    site is: bostonlisc.org

    username: guest
    password: guest

    hanifahmed Friend


    Thats the directory.

    Or for short, it might be public_html/templates/ja_sulfur/

    And if that’s caushing a chmod issue, then take a look around there might be tonnes more to fix.

    jimcapraro Friend

    <em>@hanifahmed 136407 wrote:</em><blockquote>/home2/bostonli/public_html/templates/ja_sulfur/

    Thats the directory.

    Or for short, it might be public_html/templates/ja_sulfur/

    And if that’s caushing a chmod issue, then take a look around there might be tonnes more to fix.

    Yeah, that’s what I thought too, but I’ve already changed that directory and everything int it to 777, and I’ve also changed the “templates” that “ja_sulfur” is nested in to 777 — I’m still getting the error message.

    magnusb Friend

    I just took a quick at ja_templatetools_1.5.php at line 519, and that seemed to create the folder <joomla>/images/resized/

    Try creating that with file permissions 755 .

    I am no developer though, just my 2 cents…

    kerssies Friend

    I have a similar error but above solutions did not work for me. I chmodded the template folder completely to 777 and created the resized folder with permissions 755 but seems not to work. Please help me out here.


    Error message:

    Warning: mkdir() [function.mkdir]: SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 1361 is not allowed to access /home/sv005/domains/slowlane.nl/public_html/images/resized/images owned by uid 48 in /home/sv005/domains/slowlane.nl/public_html/templates/ja_sulfur/ja_templatetools_1.5.php on line 523

    Site location:

    magnusb Friend

    Try browsing the folder with FileZilla or similar. The files should have the permission drwxr – xr – x (755 is an alias for that)

    I am not experienced with these file permissions though, except for personal use. Though, I know it can be hell when you first get em..

    jimcapraro Friend

    <em>@magnusb 136429 wrote:</em><blockquote>I just took a quick at ja_templatetools_1.5.php at line 519, and that seemed to create the folder <joomla>/images/resized/

    Try creating that with file permissions 755 .

    I am no developer though, just my 2 cents…</blockquote>

    Thanks you got me close enough to solve it.

    I stayed up until 4:30 a.m. working last night, and this was the last problem I was trying to solve — but by that time I just wasn’t thinking straight. As I laid my head down on my pillow I thought “Images” folder, and then drifted off to sleep.

    This morning your post reminded me of that. So I changed the images folder to 777 and voila, joomla was able to create the “Resized” folder within it. Now the error message is gone.

    Jim Capraro

    magnusb Friend

    Glad to know it helped, I know this can be so frustrating, and after a while it is almost impossible to see the solution as you have looked too much at it 😉

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