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  • scfusanorth Friend

    I am trying to switch the default Google fonts used in my default profile. I founds the file/folder the other day, but after 45 minutes of searching, I can’t find it again. I am, of course a lot more familiar with the folder layouts though.


    Where is the parameter file that this part of the system/jat3/base-themes/default/blocks/css.php gets the Google font parameters from?

    /*Load google font and style for special font*/
    $elements = array(‘global’, ‘logo’, ‘slogan’, ‘moduletitle’,’pageheading’, ‘contentheading’, ‘mainnav’, ‘subnav’);

    I would switch fonts in the default profiles settings but it does not have the fonts I want or I can’t tell what all the fonts are. Yes, I know, this is the hard. 🙂


    himangi Friend

    You can add the font in system/jat3/base-themes/default/blocks/head.php Preferably rather than editing this file recreate the same folder path in templates, such that your head.php will be at templates/ja_template/blocks/ folder, edit this file and it will override the file in plugin..

    scfusanorth Friend

    Thanks, that over-ride info is good stuff.

    I am an idiot. I actually had the Google fonts profile selected. That’s why I could not change it on the front end. :-*

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  scfusanorth 12 years, 11 months ago.

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