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  • mtrimble Friend

    Simple PTO website.

    The TOP MENU images need to be uploaded into your STORIES folder using your MEDIA MANAGER. Once the images are inside the STORIES folder, you can then use them.

    The images can be found in the ICON folder in the SOURCE file of the template.

    Implementation: Go to the TOP MENU under Menu Manager…select the link you want to assign an image to…using the drop down on the right, select the image. Save it. Done. Repeat for others.


    If you want the ORANGE and GREEN to show up on the right side use “-orange” or “-green” (without quotes) in the Module Class Suffix.

    These parameters did not work for me when aligning a module on the LEFT. Whatever, I didn’t need them to. Sorry no help there. 🙁


    The HIGHLIGHT positioning needs USER 6 active in order to show…

    Publish anything in modules in USER 1,2,5 and 6 for starters (publish them all to start) and you will see the HIGHLIGHT. I think SPOTLIGHT is a Custom module in postions 6. Position 6 has the dark grey assigned via css. (don’t hold me to that :-)) The above will get you to the point where you, at least, see the modules in place and can then edit them accordingly/ swap out positions with custom modules etc.

    Editing the Logo

    The LOGO is cut into 2 pieces. There is a top portion and a bottom portion. The bottom portion contains the majority of the image. The top contains a small piece. Edit these images in the IMAGES folder of your template and then upload via FTP. They are both labeled Logo.jpg and LOGO_top_something.jpg.

    Open the template CSS under SITE >>TEMPLATE MANAGER…select the template and click EDIT CSS at top right.

    Hit CTRL-F and enter the word logo. It’s under a “ja-header-logo” class. Edit the width. Save CSS.
    (If you’re a newbie, BACK UP your CSS by selecting all (ctrl-a) and copy (ctrl-c) and paste (ctrl-v) into a notepad file and save it. If you screw something up you’re gonna pull your hair out trying to fix a CSS file of which you know nothing about. Back it up first.)

    EMBEDDING Donation buttons.

    Go grab the embed code from Paypal. Turn OFF your editor under SITE>>USER ADMIN>>click the user>>select NO WYSIWYG editor under parameter at…go back to content item

    Paste your code in. You’ll be looking at raw html…just paste it in and save and test. Then go back in and add <p> tags for additional text above or below the form.


    Just sharing my experience with this template.

    The site took 5 hours to complete from template download to launch. It’s 97% done with a few tweaks left.

    Hope the above helps.


    mfcphil Friend

    Five hours well spent.

    Top marks 😉

    wermm Friend

    Hi, the events module is great. Who is the creator?

    Thx 😎

    questbg Friend

    Nice site Marc … well done!

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