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  • gadgetsman Friend

    Hello to all. Hope thats just on my PC. I have installed Fireboard and whenever I go there, top slide menu completely dissapears and footer moves up. Does anyone else has a problem with Fireboard?

    mfcphil Friend

    can you put a link up to your site so people can see your problem :confused:

    gadgetsman Friend

    Sorry. Here is the link


    When you click on Forum link, you will see top navigation dissapear and while you are browsing the forum, you will see footer bar move right to the middle of the page. I tried in IE7 and Firefox 2.

    Thank you for your help.

    Menalto Friend

    This is a 3d party add on and we do not give support for that……
    But if you really wanna try out something you can open up the folder componentscom_fireboardtemplatedefaultjs/ and rename jquery-latest.pack.js to oldjquery-latest.pack.js and see if its working. i am 100% sure it does.

    gadgetsman Friend

    Great, that worked. Top menu is in place now. I also found something interesting with my footer problem. It only shifts over if I have JA Newsflash enabled on that page. See pictures attached. ONLY HAPPENS IN IE7.

    Thank you again for such great service and for making great templates.

    1. withJANEWSFLASH
    2. withoutJANEWSFLASH
    celius Friend

    This worked. Thanks. 🙂

    kallan Friend

    Hi Menalto,

    I am having this same problem with another component joomla knowledge base. Can you give me any information on what causes this problem so I can try and get it sorted for this component.


    Menalto Friend

    <em>@kallan 41599 wrote:</em><blockquote>Hi Menalto,

    I am having this same problem with another component joomla knowledge base. Can you give me any information on what causes this problem so I can try and get it sorted for this component.

    Is it the one from Phil Taylor?

    kallan Friend

    Hi Menalto,

    Yes it is the one from Phil Taylor.


    funkmanusa Friend

    <em>@Menalto 41474 wrote:</em><blockquote>This is a 3d party add on and we do not give support for that……
    But if you really wanna try out something you can open up the folder componentscom_fireboardtemplatedefaultjs/ and rename jquery-latest.pack.js to oldjquery-latest.pack.js and see if its working. i am 100% sure it does.</blockquote>

    This did correct my issue with the menu as well, but it adversley affected the footer.
    Corona-joomla 1.5+fireboard
    Notice how low the footer is and it stretches it across the browser???

    Any ideas, Im having no luck with any succesful solutions.

    anisjolly Friend

    <em>@funkmanusa 54827 wrote:</em><blockquote>This did correct my issue with the menu as well, but it adversley affected the footer.
    Corona-joomla 1.5+fireboard
    Notice how low the footer is and it stretches it across the browser???

    Any ideas, Im having no luck with any succesful solutions.</blockquote>
    I’ve got the same issue with my site.

    The footer looks exactly the same – across the screen. However, I do not have Fireboard installed. My footer does that when I add any modules in the right panel!

    I would grately appreciate it if anyone managed to find a solution. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    funkmanusa Friend

    Man it looks as though no one has any idea or even cares which is a shame…
    I even posted this same question on FB’s forum and stil haven’t found a working solution.

    It’d be nice if the developers would give us some support. I have only 2 issues with corona that would fix all of my problems and I cant get either one anwsered.

    I’ve been trying to get these things fixed for 3 solid days and still no luck…

    funkmanusa Friend


    Kallan helped me resolve this issue last night and I wanted to pass on the goodness.

    With the default corona index.php, use menaltos fix, then change the fireboard template to the default and it will work. The problem of all things is the numinu template if you’re using it like I was; I assume you’re using. I never would’ve guessed in a million years it was the forum template. I was just glad to have the forum work. Not sure what in the numinu template causes it, but at least we can use fireboard.

    If you have some time, go to a post somewhere where Kallan has remarked on something and thank him for helping us.

    Good luck!

    anisjolly Friend

    Hey funkmanusa

    is that fix on he previous page of this thread? if it is – I don’t have fireboard installed so I don’t know what else to do.

    any ideas? i’ve pm’d Kallan – fingers cross Kallan replies.

    funkmanusa Friend

    ok, this is what I did which worked for me.

    Install fireboard forum.
    Then do menaltos fix-
    <blockquote>Originally Posted by Menalto
    This is a 3d party add on and we do not give support for that……
    But if you really wanna try out something you can open up the folder componentscom_fireboardtemplatedefaultjs/ and rename jquery-latest.pack.js to oldjquery-latest.pack.js and see if its working. i am 100% sure it does.</blockquote>

    Thats it, you can use any of the defult fireboard templates, but I did not have any problems after that.
    hope this helps.

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