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  • roland76 Friend


    the template make problems with the Fireboard preview (it don’t work now).

    Do you have a solution about that issue?

    Best wishes, Roland

    Sherlock Friend

    Dear roland76 !

    What problem do you get when use it with fireboard ? please kindly send me live url of youe site , i need it to have a closer look on the problem.

    roland76 Friend


    thanks for the answer:

    My site: http://www.simple-quality.de

    Go to: Forum and post a message in Fireboard. Bevore sending the post, klick on “Vorschau” (=Preview). You will see only a barrow.

    If I change the joomla template to standart it works… So I think it’s an Java Script conflict….

    Best wishes,


    mj1256 Friend


    FYI => never post usernames and passwords in the forum, always PM them to the admin

    roland76 Friend


    any idea? I have already the problem.

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  roland76 15 years, 12 months ago.

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