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  • cgc0202 Friend

    This really makes me mad and frustrated. It is as if the other problems discussed — and sometime in different threads — never happened

    Here is the list of fixes



    * -> Security Fix

    # -> Bug Fix

    $ -> Language fix or change

    + -> Addition

    ^ -> Change

    - -> Removed

    ! -> Note

    -------------------- 1.3 Stable Release [Jun-2008] ---------------------

    26-Jun-2008 hainn

    # Seo bug when set group by category.

    Reference: Fixed Register form bug.


    -------------------- 1.4 Stable Release [Jul-2008] ---------------------


    # Seo bug when set group by category.

    Reference: Fixed Register form bug.


    # Fixed Smart Trim function error in JA News: <br /> tag issue (updated Helper class)

    Reference: Fixed error in JA News config : not working if ID section/category textbox has newline symbol (when you press enter)

    # Fixed duplicate ID of login box (cause register error, can not verify password)

    Reference: Fixed CSS style for mod_archive and articles with images (Joomla! 1.5)

    Reference: Fixed description text for links in JA News (UTF-8 issue)


    We should thank Hainn for doing this, but at the same time, what about the other problems??? Just to name a few not included:

    1. The Magazine menu not including the unique CID of the sections and categories
    2. Something that was done in the Joomla 1.0x version is perhaps one of the most critical

    3. The issue about the blue Hot Topics Title in Dark Background
    4. The non-bold titles of the articles in the JA News and the JA Front Page
    5. The unexplained bold text within the article
    6. The inability to have linked the titles in the Section or Category Intro Pages, without having to use “Read More”
    7. While this issue is Joomla bug, other template companies, like Gavick Pro, were able to solve this problem

    8. The ability to disable the “Read More” in the Section Intro Page, when the “Read More” intro was used to truncate an article.
    9. While this issue is Joomla bug, other template companies, like Gavick Pro, were able to solve this problem

    10. The many fixes by Menalto
    11. Can someone help list these please?

    12. The issues raised by VisiGod

    While it is true that the issue about the configuration.php is a problem that must be addressed by Joomla, there is no reason why this should not be looked at by Joomlart. Other templates companies have found ways around the problems

    As I stated, Hainn deserves credit for having provided many of the fixes listed in the ones corrected in the JA Teline II v1.4, but it is clearly evident that there was no internal deliberation or consultation with Moderators who were involved in dealing with the issues raised in the Forum.

    Have Joomlart staff even looked at the many “solved” problems to determine if they require fixing?


    Menalto Friend

    I clearly stated to JA that i wanna join hainn in the process to fix the bugs and release a bug free V1.4, which in this case did not happen, so by continue doing this over and over again im afraid Teline wont be stable before they reach V2.
    I opened the bug tread for Teline 2, hoping to get most bugs collected there, then use the weekend to prepare for fix the bugs that is in this template.
    But instead of listen to what i wanted to do(which in this case would have been documented inside out and NOT released before i was satisifed with it) they just dropped it.
    No consulation that i have been involved in, not a word.

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@Menalto 66072 wrote:</em><blockquote>I clearly stated to JA that i wanna join hainn in the process to fix the bugs and release a bug free V1.4, which in this case did not happen, so by continue doing this over and over again im afraid Teline wont be stable before they reach V2.
    I opened the bug tread for Teline 2, hoping to get most bugs collected there, then use the weekend to prepare for fix the bugs that is in this template.
    But instead of listen to what i wanted to do(which in this case would have been documented inside out and NOT released before i was satisifed with it) they just dropped it.
    No consulation that i have been involved in, not a word.</blockquote>

    I am with you, Menalto. When I saw the changelog. I said: What?

    It is insulting that Moderators who have been in the trenches were not consulted. I am surprised you are even sticking around when not given the due respect that you are entitled to — considering that Moderators who are mostly Vollunteers not only bear the brunt of the work, but also the abuse from clueless users sometimes.

    Well, if I were you Menalto, why don’t you go ahead anyway with your thorough plan to look at the templatte as best as you can. You have been the most intimately involved in the problems presented here, at least among those who provided fixes.

    Granted, some of the problems were caused by the inexperience of new users, but it happened because there were no guidelines to help them. In fact, I was able to help a few, mainly because I learned them through trial and error, and some by serendipity.

    The problem may not be bug fixes for some of these user-induced errors, but then good tutorials would surely help other new user commit the same problem.

    I did a cursory listing of the issues that I remember discussed here. Some are true bugs, or at least can be corrected via CSS or scripts. Also, while some issues are more because of the Joomla 1.5x, the News Module of Gavick have found a way of solving them, so I do not see why Joomlart templates could not provide fixes to them.

    If I can be of help, I will do a more thorough listing. Chris specially have been experiencing quite a few of them, may be able to help too. Ana, also experienced quite a few problems and was about to give up. I am sure there may be a few more who could help.

    I want to make the Joomlart beta JA News component extension work also, but from the get go, it installed and there is already an issue. Again with no Tutorial and just the barest of description, it is difficult to debug the thing.

    I want to go beyond bugs now though. It is clear that there are many ways to make the whole thing more lean — to make it more efficient and present faster. This is critical when visitors expect speed.


    newone Friend

    Can you release the changes your made for Teline?

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@newone 66103 wrote:</em><blockquote>Can you release the changes your made for Teline?</blockquote>

    Who are you asking newone?

    Joomlart, Menalto or me?

    I do not have any background in scripting, so I have not officially made any changes myself. I did help a few people deal with some problems that I encountered myself, and everything is public — so far as I know, none of my postings have been deleted.:)

    Menalto is one of those who helped quite a few customers here, and the one with scripting experience.


    cgc0202 Friend

    Text disappears when unusual mark ups, e.g., <br /> are used (before the fix)

    or what Hainn referred to as:

    # Fixed Smart Trim function error in JA News: <br /> tag issue (updated Helper class)

    This is indeed fixed. Thanks Hainn. Now we can use <br /><br />.

    So, if you really want to show, a line break or two line breaks (equivalent to the spacing of a paragraph), use the line break <br /> mark up, not <p></p>. for he portion of the text you anticipate will show in the HomePage or the Intro Pages of a Section or Category.

    Word of Caution: : Do not use linebreak, <br /> at the very beginning of the text, and you have a left or right aligned image — you will really get a bad layout with that space gap at the top of the text, not aligned properly with the top part of the image.


    cgc0202 Friend

    Or to put it in another way: Are there user-induced modifications that could trigger the disappearance of the text?

    And the answer is Yes!

    Foremost among these would be where the “Read more” is inserted. To give an example. Let’s say I set the maximum text characters at 500 for the main headline article.

    If the “Read more is placed well below the maximum characters allowed, i.e., 500 in the example, no text will appear with the article in the JA News Frontpage.


    cgc0202 Friend

    Another customer is yet again plague with the problem of the disappearing text, as posted here

    once again…Question front page- text not showing up

    in spite of removing the pesky <br /> being removed. As I have analyzed in the post #7 above, and further clarified in this post:

    The key is the placement of the “Read more”

    I will just post my general statement there:

    <em>@cgc0202 66840 wrote:</em><blockquote>
    Here’s the bottom line, from my own findings:

    If your maximum is 400 characters — in the JA News Frontpage — for the text you want to show in each of the above, you must place the “Read more” at well more than 400 characters.

    The above statement applies for any Joomla 1.5.x-JA Teline II. I just tried to trigger the error, and it did trigger the error, if I place the “Read more”well below the maximum characters.

    I am not sure if you are brave to install the JA Teline II v1.4 (there is risk always that things can go worse, like messing up your website?) but if you do, you will eliminate the need to remove <br />, and some other html markups.

    However, whatever form of Joomla 1.5.x you use, the rule I indicated above holds true.

    Again, I must emphasize that this is a problem caused by the Joomla 1.5.x not by the template.




    Maybe Hainn or Menalto can find another fix on this. That would be perfect.

    newone Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 66124 wrote:</em><blockquote>Who are you asking newone?

    Joomlart, Menalto or me?

    I do not have any background in scripting, so I have not officially made any changes myself. I did help a few people deal with some problems that I encountered myself, and everything is public — so far as I know, none of my postings have been deleted.:)

    Menalto is one of those who helped quite a few customers here, and the one with scripting experience.


    I was asking Menalto. Could a thread be created listing the bugs and with the fixes for Teline V1.3 and 1.4? I see all sorts of posts here and there, but it is getting a bit tiring hunting all these fixes now.

    Also, for some reason, when I click create an account, I see register_required at the bottom of the form. This is suppose to get the information from teline-eng, but it is not pulling it. Even the teline v1.4 quickstart has the problem. I don’t know if this is happening because I am using 1.5.4.

    @Menlto, would you be able to release your bug fiexs for Teline II?

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