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  • alicia Friend

    [FONT=”Comic Sans MS”]Before i spend time and frustration trying to do so, is it possible to remove the ja news flash and instead substitute a flash image rotator? [/FONT]

    alicia Friend

    well i did go and spend my time and frustration in trying to get this to work..
    I downloaded an extension that lets you put a swf file in a module…
    I got the file in the module, but it does not play…


    So what I want to be able to do is the following–

    a) get the flash rotator to exactly fill that spot and of course work.

    b) I do like the site actually without that blue bland as well. What would be the best way to remove it and have the background just run through. My attempt got me a pale line running through.

    c) the search box- can that be moved over and/or moved to another position. this will eventually have an ecommerce component, and I need some flexibility up top.

    d) moving the moo tabs around.

    This is my primary to do list as we trod along… so any help at all would be appreciated.


    mfcphil Friend

    I see you are making great strides with your new site.
    Did you try and re-install the template? I only ask because I see you still have not got the main menu (top left) fixed it’s still split with a white line through it.

    Also Alicia if you put your template at the wider setting the text will fit better in your your USER5 module titles and you can get more in them 🙂

    While were all in the community spirit can you let ipb1962 how you altered the colour of your hyperlinks from orange to pale blue see the post http://www.joomlart.com/forums/topic/colour-of-small-text-in-hilite-module-class/

    Flash Rotator see this link

    alicia Friend

    I have reinstalled that site so many times I have lost count. Before I do my final version once I know what I am doing I am going to reinstall on a reset web space, so its all nice and clean. Lord knows what I have done in the midst of this. That white line is always there, no matter if its reinstalled or not. Not sure why, but hopefully when i get there, I can make it go away.

    The reason I have kept it on narrow, is because there are still people on 800 x 600 resolution unfortunately. In that case if the template remains wide it distorts it. Unless there is another fix around that…narrow it has to be for me, as that is a personal peeve of mine. That is one of the reasons why I want to be able to move the mootabs around, so I can get a proper fit and layout.

    I love your Santa!


    adrien666 Friend

    hi alicia !!

    I check your website !!! It’s exactly the solution I need !!
    How did you do that ??

    Thanks for help !

    alicia Friend

    I had to purchase joomlashack’s flash image rotator, and it took just minutes to get it running.
    It allows you to change the width etc..I am designing my site as a fixed width, because I have alot of eyes that still use 800 x 600, so spacing it for fixed I think was probably easier.
    I published to the top position.
    That is about all I remember at the moment. I have been sick this last week, so my site and I are strangers at the moment. Hopefully I will be able to do some work on it this weekend…so if you have any other questions on it, just let me know… maybe I will have a clearer head.

    Good Luck!

    adrien666 Friend

    hello Alicia 🙂
    thanks for your help but I have found an other solutions by using JSN ImageShow !!!
    If you want to see the result, check my website : http://www.adrienobjois.com !
    Let me know your opinion, but I think it’s a great module no ?


    mfcphil Friend

    Adrien666 it hurts my eyes:confused: its blurry

    adrien666 Friend

    what ??? sorry I don’t understand what did you say !!!! :-[
    I’m french 😀

    mfcphil Friend

    Images in your top header need correcting.

    Love your logo

    adrien666 Friend

    oh yes ok !!! lol !
    it’s normal, it was just a test, pictures are automatically resized ! and I have use the default images images/stories pictures. 😀
    thanks for “logo” !

    adrien666 Friend

    I have just an on other question ! Doyou know if it’s possible to integrate the JA_Erica members module in FAgus ??? :s Thanks 🙂

    alicia Friend

    Once you get your images set, it will look wonderful. I will have to check it out. I really like the black texture images on the side. I like that effect. I also like how it looks like its under the transparency.
    Very nice. And your logo is great too. Fine work!! Keep it coming!


    adrien666 Friend

    stop ! stop ! 😮 lol wow !!! thank’s… I will show you the progress of the website 🙂

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