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  • izator Friend

    I have 7 images displaying on flowlist. The number four image used to be in the center with 3 images to the left and three to the right.
    Now for some reason the first image loads in the center and leaves the left empty with all 7 images going off to the right.
    Any clues how to remedy this?
    I have changed the “start image” to every option but nothing seems to change this.
    Any advice will be appreciated because I have run out of ideas.
    Regards Steve

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi izator,

    Please send me your url, admin account via PM so that i could have closer look on the issue.

    izator Friend

    Details supplied.
    Regards Steve

    Anonymous Moderator

    Hi izator,

    I have tried to set start item to 4, it looked ok.

    Please check again.

    izator Friend

    Hi JA Developer,
    After three days of the site defying all efforts to fix Flowlist I installed the template on another website and naturally the FL mod worked. The problem seemed to be in Joomla rather than the Mod. as I had re-installed it 50 times.

    I decided to upgrade from Joomla 1.5.7 to 1.5.8 with the patch which was a bit risky in some ways and as a result Flowlist was immediately back to normal.

    There are some irregularities still, with Joomla version still showing 1.5.7 instead of 1.5.8
    The “start item” box seems to be totally non functional from what I can make out and never changes anything.
    Anyhow I can work around the issues as they are.
    Regards and thanks, Steve

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  izator 16 years, 1 month ago.

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