test melih
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  • ankianka66 Developer


    I use ja_senecio. I would like to change the fontsize in the menu at the top (ja menu). That can be done if I make changes in body.fs3{ (template.css). BUT then the rest of text on the site also is resized.

    Is there a way to make the fonts in just ja menu smaller?

    I also wonder if anyone can give me a hint of what all the body.fs1-6 direct?

    jay973 Friend

    If you use Firefox browser, you can install the Firebug extension into it to find what to change. It’s perfect for these situations.



    ankianka66 Developer

    Hi Jay!

    Thanks for your answer! Normally I use IE, but of course check everything in Firefox and other browsers. I don´t have Firebug and thus don´t know what the programme can do or is intended for. I am also in a hurry, so if anyone else has an easier way of fixing my dilemma I appreciate it!

    jay973 Friend

    I’ve never used that template before but looking at it with firebug it looks like you need to change the following in ja.cssmenu.css (line 100)

    #ja-cssmenu li a {
    font-size:115%; <————–This Line



    ankianka66 Developer

    Thanks again! Now we are getting closer… but I don´t use cssmenu, I use Transmenu. Can you see what to change there?

    I am very glad for your help!!! 🙂

    jay973 Friend

    Is there a

    #ja-transmenu li a{

    anywhere in ja.transmenu.css?

    ankianka66 Developer

    No, unfortunately not! That would have been easy. The code looks totally different.

    # JA Senecio for Joomla 1.5 – Version 1.4 – Licence Owner JA126592
    # ————————————————————————
    # Copyright (C) 2004-2008 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
    # @license – Copyrighted Commercial Software
    # Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd
    # Websites: http://www.joomlart.comhttp://www.joomlancers.com
    # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part.

    // Configuration properties
    TransMenu.spacerGif = “img/x.gif”; // path to a transparent spacer gif
    TransMenu.dingbatOn = “img/arrowchild.gif”; // path to the active sub menu dingbat
    TransMenu.dingbatOff = “img/arrowchild.gif”; // path to the inactive sub menu dingbat
    TransMenu.dingbatSize = 8; // size of the dingbat (square shape assumed)
    TransMenu.menuPadding = 0; // padding between menu border and items grid
    TransMenu.itemPadding = 5; // additional padding around each item
    TransMenu.shadowSize = 2; // size of shadow under menu
    TransMenu.shadowOffset = 3; // distance shadow should be offset from leading edge
    TransMenu.shadowColor = “#999999”; // color of shadow (transparency is set in CSS)
    TransMenu.shadowPng = “img/grey-40.png”; // a PNG graphic to serve as the shadow for mac IE5
    TransMenu.backgroundColor = “#E6E6E6”; // color of the background (transparency set in CSS)
    TransMenu.backgroundPng = “img/white-90.png”; // a PNG graphic to server as the background for mac IE5
    TransMenu.hideDelay = 1000; // number of milliseconds to wait before hiding a menu
    TransMenu.slideTime = 400; // number of milliseconds it takes to open and close a menu
    TransMenu.subpad_x = 0; // Horizontal Padding between top right corner of item menu and its submenu (level > 2)
    TransMenu.subpad_y = -2; // Vertical Padding between top right corner of item menu and its submenu (level > 2)

    // Internal use properties
    TransMenu.reference = {topLeft:1,topRight:2,bottomLeft:3,bottomRight:4};
    TransMenu.direction = {down:1,right:2};
    TransMenu.registry = [];
    TransMenu._maxZ = 100;

    TransMenu.updateImgPath = function (imgPath){
    TransMenu.spacerGif = imgPath + TransMenu.spacerGif;
    TransMenu.dingbatOn = imgPath + TransMenu.dingbatOn;
    TransMenu.dingbatOff = imgPath + TransMenu.dingbatOff;
    TransMenu.shadowPng = imgPath + TransMenu.shadowPng;
    TransMenu.backgroundPng = imgPath + TransMenu.backgroundPng;

    // Static methods
    // supporting win ie5+, mac ie5.1+ and gecko >= mozilla 1.0
    TransMenu.isSupported = function() {
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
    var pf = navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
    var an = navigator.appName;
    var r = false;

    if (ua.indexOf(“gecko”) > -1 && navigator.productSub >= 20020605) r = true; // gecko >= moz 1.0
    else if (an == “Microsoft Internet Explorer”) {
    if (document.getElementById) { // ie5.1+ mac,win
    if (pf.indexOf(“mac”) == 0) {
    r = /msie (d(.d*)?)/.test(ua) && Number(RegExp.$1) >= 5.1;
    else r = true;

    return r;

    // call this in onload once menus have been created
    TransMenu.initialize = function() {
    for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry; i++) {

    // call this in document body to write out menu html
    TransMenu.renderAll = function() {
    var aMenuHtml = [];
    for (var i = 0, menu = null; menu = this.registry; i++) {
    aMenuHtml = menu.toString();

    // TransMenu constructor (only called internally)
    // oActuator : The thing that causes the menu to be shown when it is mousedover. Either a
    // reference to an HTML element, or a TransMenuItem from an existing menu.
    // iDirection : The direction to slide out. One of TransMenu.direction.
    // iLeft : Left pixel offset of menu from actuator
    // iTop : Top pixel offset of menu from actuator
    // iReferencePoint : Corner of actuator to measure from. One of TransMenu.referencePoint.
    // parentMenuSet : Menuset this menu will be added to.
    function TransMenu(oActuator, iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint, parentMenuSet) {
    // public methods
    this.addItem = addItem;
    this.addMenu = addMenu;
    this.toString = toString;
    this.initialize = initialize;
    this.isOpen = false;
    this.show = show;
    this.hide = hide;
    this.items = [];

    // events
    this.onactivate = new Function(); // when the menu starts to slide open
    this.ondeactivate = new Function(); // when the menu finishes sliding closed
    this.onmouseover = new Function(); // when the menu has been moused over
    this.onqueue = new Function(); // hack .. when the menu sets a timer to be closed a little while in the future
    this.ondequeue = new Function();

    // initialization
    this.index = TransMenu.registry.length;
    TransMenu.registry = this;

    var id = “TransMenu” + this.index;
    var contentHeight = null;
    var contentWidth = null;
    var childMenuSet = null;
    var animating = false;
    var childMenus = [];
    var slideAccel = -1;
    var elmCache = null;
    var ready = false;
    var _this = this;
    var a = null;

    var pos = iDirection == TransMenu.direction.down ? “top” : “left”;
    var dim = null;

    // private and public method implimentations
    function addItem(sText, sUrl, browserNav, active) {
    var item = new TransMenuItem(sText, sUrl, this, browserNav, active);
    item._index = this.items.length;
    this.items = item;

    function addMenu(oMenuItem) {
    if (!oMenuItem.parentMenu == this) throw new Error(“Cannot add a menu here”);

    if (childMenuSet == null) childMenuSet = new TransMenuSet(TransMenu.direction.right, TransMenu.subpad_x, TransMenu.subpad_y, TransMenu.reference.topRight);

    var m = childMenuSet.addMenu(oMenuItem);

    childMenus = m;
    m.onmouseover = child_mouseover;
    m.ondeactivate = child_deactivate;
    m.onqueue = child_queue;
    m.ondequeue = child_dequeue;

    return m;

    function initialize() {
    ready = true;

    function show() {
    if (ready) {
    _this.isOpen = true;
    animating = true;
    elmCache[“clip”].style.visibility = “visible”;
    elmCache[“clip”].style.zIndex = TransMenu._maxZ++;
    //dbg_dump(“maxZ: ” + TransMenu._maxZ);

    function hide() {
    if (ready) {
    _this.isOpen = false;
    animating = true;

    for (var i = 0, item = null; item = elmCache.item; i++)

    if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide();


    if (!oActuator.parentMenu) {
    oActuator.className = oActuator.className.replace(/ jahover-active/, ”);
    oActuator.className = oActuator.className.replace(/ jahover/, ”);

    function setContainerPos() {
    var sub = oActuator.constructor == TransMenuItem;
    var act = sub ? oActuator.parentMenu.elmCache[“item”] : oActuator;
    var el = act;

    var x = 0;
    var y = 0;

    var minX = 0;
    var maxX = (window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.body.clientWidth) – parseInt(elmCache[“clip”].style.width);
    var minY = 0;
    var maxY = (window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.body.clientHeight) – parseInt(elmCache[“clip”].style.height);
    maxX = 10000;
    maxY = 10000;

    // add up all offsets… subtract any scroll offset
    while (sub ? el.parentNode.className.indexOf(“transMenu”) == -1 : el.offsetParent) {
    x += el.offsetLeft;
    y += el.offsetTop;

    if (el.scrollLeft) x -= el.scrollLeft;
    if (el.scrollTop) y -= el.scrollTop;

    el = el.offsetParent;

    if (oActuator.constructor == TransMenuItem) {
    x += parseInt(el.parentNode.style.left);
    y += parseInt(el.parentNode.style.top);

    switch (iReferencePoint) {
    case TransMenu.reference.topLeft:
    case TransMenu.reference.topRight:
    x += act.offsetWidth;
    case TransMenu.reference.bottomLeft:
    y += act.offsetHeight;
    case TransMenu.reference.bottomRight:
    x += act.offsetWidth;
    y += act.offsetHeight;

    x += iLeft;
    y += iTop;

    x = Math.max(Math.min(x, maxX), minX);
    y = Math.max(Math.min(y, maxY), minY);

    elmCache[“clip”].style.left = x + “px”;
    elmCache[“clip”].style.top = y + “px”;

    function slideStart() {
    var x0 = parseInt(elmCache[“content”].style[pos]);
    var x1 = _this.isOpen ? 0 : -dim;

    if (a != null) a.stop();
    a = new Accelimation(x0, x1, TransMenu.slideTime, slideAccel);

    a.onframe = slideFrame;
    a.onend = slideEnd;


    function slideFrame(x) {
    elmCache[“content”].style[pos] = x + “px”;

    function slideEnd() {
    if (!_this.isOpen) elmCache[“clip”].style.visibility = “hidden”;
    animating = false;

    function initSize() {
    // everything is based off the size of the items table…
    var ow = elmCache[“items”].offsetWidth;
    var oh = elmCache[“items”].offsetHeight;
    var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

    // clipping container should be ow/oh + the size of the shadow
    elmCache[“clip”].style.width = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize + 2 + “px”;
    elmCache[“clip”].style.height = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize + 2 + “px”;

    // same with content…
    elmCache[“content”].style.width = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize + “px”;
    elmCache[“content”].style.height = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize + “px”;

    contentHeight = oh + TransMenu.shadowSize;
    contentWidth = ow + TransMenu.shadowSize;

    dim = iDirection == TransMenu.direction.down ? contentHeight : contentWidth;

    // set initially closed
    elmCache[“content”].style[pos] = -dim – TransMenu.shadowSize + “px”;
    elmCache[“clip”].style.visibility = “hidden”;

    // if *not* mac/ie 5
    if (ua.indexOf(“mac”) == -1 || ua.indexOf(“gecko”) > -1) {
    // set background div to offset size
    if(ua.indexOf(“msie 8.0”) > -1) {
    //elmCache[“content”].style.backgroundImage.src = TransMenu.backgroundPng;
    elmCache[“content”].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.backgroundColor;
    } else {
    elmCache[“background”].style.width = ow + “px”;
    elmCache[“background”].style.height = oh + “px”;
    elmCache[“background”].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.backgroundColor;

    // shadow left starts at offset left and is offsetHeight pixels high
    elmCache[“shadowRight”].style.left = ow + “px”;
    elmCache[“shadowRight”].style.height = oh – (TransMenu.shadowOffset – TransMenu.shadowSize) + “px”;
    elmCache[“shadowRight”].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.shadowColor;

    // shadow bottom starts at offset height and is offsetWidth – shadowOffset
    // pixels wide (we don’t want the bottom and right shadows to overlap or we
    // get an extra bright bottom-right corner)
    elmCache[“shadowBottom”].style.top = oh + “px”;
    elmCache[“shadowBottom”].style.width = ow – TransMenu.shadowOffset + “px”;
    elmCache[“shadowBottom”].style.backgroundColor = TransMenu.shadowColor;
    // mac ie is a little different because we use a PNG for the transparency
    else {
    // set background div to offset size
    elmCache[“background”].firstChild.src = TransMenu.backgroundPng;
    elmCache[“background”].firstChild.width = ow;
    elmCache[“background”].firstChild.height = oh;

    // shadow left starts at offset left and is offsetHeight pixels high
    elmCache[“shadowRight”].firstChild.src = TransMenu.shadowPng;
    elmCache[“shadowRight”].style.left = ow + “px”;
    elmCache[“shadowRight”].firstChild.width = TransMenu.shadowSize;
    elmCache[“shadowRight”].firstChild.height = oh – (TransMenu.shadowOffset – TransMenu.shadowSize);

    // shadow bottom starts at offset height and is offsetWidth – shadowOffset
    // pixels wide (we don’t want the bottom and right shadows to overlap or we
    // get an extra bright bottom-right corner)
    elmCache[“shadowBottom”].firstChild.src = TransMenu.shadowPng;
    elmCache[“shadowBottom”].style.top = oh + “px”;
    elmCache[“shadowBottom”].firstChild.height = TransMenu.shadowSize;
    elmCache[“shadowBottom”].firstChild.width = ow – TransMenu.shadowOffset;

    function initCache() {
    var menu = document.getElementById(id);
    var all = menu.all ? menu.all : menu.getElementsByTagName(“*”); // IE/win doesn’t support * syntax, but does have the document.all thing

    elmCache = {};
    elmCache[“clip”] = menu;
    elmCache[“item”] = [];

    for (var i = 0, elm = null; elm = all; i++) {
    switch (elm.className) {
    case “items”:
    case “content”:
    case “background”:
    case “shadowRight”:
    case “shadowBottom”:
    elmCache = elm;
    case “item”:
    elm._index = elmCache[“item”].length;
    elmCache[“item”] = elm;

    // hack!
    _this.elmCache = elmCache;

    function initEvents() {
    // hook item mouseover
    for (var i = 0, item = null; item = elmCache.item; i++) {
    item.onmouseover = item_mouseover;
    item.onmouseout = item_mouseout;
    item.onclick = item_click;

    // hook actuation
    if (typeof oActuator.tagName != “undefined”) {
    oActuator.onmouseover = actuator_mouseover;
    oActuator.onmouseout = actuator_mouseout;

    // hook menu mouseover
    elmCache[“content”].onmouseover = content_mouseover;
    elmCache[“content”].onmouseout = content_mouseout;

    function highlight(oRow) {
    oRow.className = “item hover”;
    if (childMenus)
    oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = TransMenu.dingbatOn;

    function dehighlight(oRow) {
    oRow.className = “item”;
    if (childMenus)
    oRow.lastChild.firstChild.src = TransMenu.dingbatOff;

    function item_mouseover() {
    if (!animating) {

    if (childMenus)
    else if (childMenuSet) childMenuSet.hide();

    function item_mouseout() {
    if (!animating) {
    if (childMenus)
    else // otherwise child_deactivate will do this

    function item_click() {
    if (!animating) {
    if (_this.items.url) {
    switch (_this.items.browserNav) {
    // cases are slightly different
    case 1:
    // open in a new window
    window.open(_this.items.url, ”, ”);;


    case 2:
    // open in a popup window
    window.open(_this.items.url, ”, ‘toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=780,height=550’);;

    case 3:
    // don’t link it

    default: // formerly case 2
    // open in parent window
    location.href = _this.items.url;

    function actuator_mouseover() {
    if (!oActuator.parentMenu) {
    if (oActuator.className.indexOf(‘ jahover’) < 0){
    if (oActuator.className.indexOf(‘-active’) < 0)
    oActuator.className += ‘ jahover’;
    oActuator.className += ‘ jahover-active’;

    function actuator_mouseout() {

    function content_mouseover() {
    if (!animating) {

    function content_mouseout() {
    if (!animating) {

    function child_mouseover() {
    if (!animating) {

    function child_deactivate() {
    for (var i = 0; i < childMenus.length; i++) {
    if (childMenus == this) {

    function child_queue() {

    function child_dequeue() {

    function toString() {
    var aHtml = [];
    var sClassName = “transMenu” + (oActuator.constructor != TransMenuItem ? ” top” : “”);

    for (var i = 0, item = null; item = this.items; i++) {
    aHtml = item.toString(childMenus);

    return ‘<div id=”‘ + id + ‘” class=”‘ + sClassName + ‘”>’ +
    ‘<div class=”content”><table class=”items” cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ border=”0″>’ +
    ‘<tr><td colspan=”2″><img src=”‘ + TransMenu.spacerGif + ‘” width=”1″ height=”‘ + TransMenu.menuPadding + ‘”></td></tr>’ +
    aHtml.join(”) +
    ‘<tr><td colspan=”2″><img src=”‘ + TransMenu.spacerGif + ‘” width=”1″ height=”‘ + TransMenu.menuPadding + ‘”></td></tr></table>’ +
    ‘<div class=”shadowBottom”><img src=”‘ + TransMenu.spacerGif + ‘” width=”1″ height=”1″></div>’ +
    ‘<div class=”shadowRight”><img src=”‘ + TransMenu.spacerGif + ‘” width=”1″ height=”1″></div>’ +
    ‘<div class=”background”><img src=”‘ + TransMenu.spacerGif + ‘” width=”1″ height=”1″></div>’ +

    // TransMenuSet
    // iDirection : The direction to slide out. One of TransMenu.direction.
    // iLeft : Left pixel offset of menus from actuator
    // iTop : Top pixel offset of menus from actuator
    // iReferencePoint : Corner of actuator to measure from. One of TransMenu.referencePoint.
    TransMenuSet.registry = [];

    function TransMenuSet(iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint) {
    // public methods
    this.addMenu = addMenu;
    this.showMenu = showMenu;
    this.hideMenu = hideMenu;
    this.hide = hide;
    this.hideCurrent = hideCurrent;

    // initialization
    var menus = [];
    var _this = this;
    var current = null;

    this.index = TransMenuSet.registry.length;
    TransMenuSet.registry = this;

    // method implimentations…
    function addMenu(oActuator) {
    var m = new TransMenu(oActuator, iDirection, iLeft, iTop, iReferencePoint, this);
    menus[menus.length] = m;
    return m;

    function showMenu(oMenu) {
    if (oMenu != current) {
    // close currently open menu
    if (current != null) hide(current);

    // set current menu to this one
    current = oMenu;

    // if this menu is closed, open it
    else {
    // hide pending calls to close this menu

    function hideMenu(oMenu) {
    //dbg_dump(“hideMenu a ” + oMenu.index);
    if (current == oMenu && oMenu.isOpen) {
    //dbg_dump(“hideMenu b ” + oMenu.index);
    if (!oMenu.hideTimer) scheduleHide(oMenu);

    function scheduleHide(oMenu) {
    //dbg_dump(“scheduleHide ” + oMenu.index);
    oMenu.hideTimer = window.setTimeout(“TransMenuSet.registry[” + _this.index + “].hide(TransMenu.registry[” + oMenu.index + “])”, TransMenu.hideDelay);

    function cancelHide(oMenu) {
    //dbg_dump(“cancelHide ” + oMenu.index);
    if (oMenu.hideTimer) {
    oMenu.hideTimer = null;

    function hide(oMenu) {
    if (!oMenu && current) oMenu = current;

    if (oMenu && current == oMenu && oMenu.isOpen) {

    function hideCurrent() {
    if (null != current) {
    current.hideTimer = null;
    current = null;

    // TransMenuItem (internal)
    // represents an item in a dropdown
    // sText : The item display text
    // sUrl : URL to load when the item is clicked
    // oParent : Menu this item is a part of
    function TransMenuItem(sText, sUrl, oParent, browserNav, active) {
    this.toString = toString;
    this.text = sText;
    this.url = sUrl;
    this.browserNav = browserNav;
    this.parentMenu = oParent;
    this.active = active;

    function toString(bDingbat) {
    var sDingbat = bDingbat ? TransMenu.dingbatOff : TransMenu.spacerGif;
    var iEdgePadding = TransMenu.itemPadding + TransMenu.menuPadding;
    var sPaddingLeft = “padding:” + TransMenu.itemPadding + “px; padding-left:” + iEdgePadding + “px;”
    var sPaddingRight = “padding:” + TransMenu.itemPadding + “px; padding-right:” + iEdgePadding + “px;”
    var id = active?’ id=”active” ‘:”;
    /*return ‘<tr class=”item”‘+id+’><td nowrap style=”‘ + sPaddingLeft + sPaddingRight + ‘”><div style=”background: url(‘ + sDingbat + ‘) right no-repeat;”>’ +
    sText + ‘</div></td></tr>’;*/
    return ‘<tr class=”item”‘+id+’><td nowrap style=”‘ + sPaddingLeft + ‘”>’ +
    sText + ‘</td><td width=”10″ style=”‘ + sPaddingRight + ‘”>’ +
    ‘<img src=”‘ + sDingbat + ‘” width=”8″ height=”8″></td></tr>’;

    // Accel imation object
    // change a property of an object over time in an accelerated fashion
    // obj : reference to the object whose property you’d like to animate
    // prop : property you would like to change eg: “left”
    // to : final value of prop
    // time : time the animation should take to run
    // zip : optional. specify the zippiness of the acceleration. pick a
    // number between -1 and 1 where -1 is full decelerated, 1 is
    // full accelerated, and 0 is linear (no acceleration). default
    // is 0.
    // unit : optional. specify the units for use with prop. default is
    // “px”.
    // bezier functions lifted from the lib_animation.js file in the
    // 13th Parallel API. http://www.13thparallel.org

    function Accelimation(from, to, time, zip) {
    if (typeof zip == “undefined”) zip = 0;
    if (typeof unit == “undefined”) unit = “px”;

    this.x0 = from;
    this.x1 = to;
    this.dt = time;
    this.zip = -zip;
    this.unit = unit;
    this.timer = null;
    this.onend = new Function();
    this.onframe = new Function();

    // public methods

    // after you create an accelimation, you call this to start it-a runnin’
    Accelimation.prototype.start = function() {
    this.t0 = new Date().getTime();
    this.t1 = this.t0 + this.dt;
    var dx = this.x1 – this.x0;
    this.c1 = this.x0 + ((1 + this.zip) * dx / 3);
    this.c2 = this.x0 + ((2 + this.zip) * dx / 3);

    // and if you need to stop it early for some reason…
    Accelimation.prototype.stop = function() {

    // private methods

    // paints one frame. gets called by Accelimation._paintAll.
    Accelimation.prototype._paint = function(time) {
    if (time < this.t1) {
    var elapsed = time – this.t0;
    else this._end();

    // ends the animation
    Accelimation.prototype._end = function() {

    // static methods (all private)

    // add a function to the list of ones to call periodically
    Accelimation._add = function(o) {
    var index = this.instances.length;
    this.instances = o;
    // if this is the first one, start the engine
    if (this.instances.length == 1) {
    this.timerID = window.setInterval(“Accelimation._paintAll()”, this.targetRes);

    // remove a function from the list
    Accelimation._remove = function(o) {
    for (var i = 0; i < this.instances.length; i++) {
    if (o == this.instances) {
    this.instances = this.instances.slice(0,i).concat( this.instances.slice(i+1) );
    // if that was the last one, stop the engine
    if (this.instances.length == 0) {
    this.timerID = null;

    // “engine” – call each function in the list every so often
    Accelimation._paintAll = function() {
    var now = new Date().getTime();
    for (var i = 0; i < this.instances.length; i++) {

    // Bezier functions:
    Accelimation._B1 = function(t) { return t*t*t }
    Accelimation._B2 = function(t) { return 3*t*t*(1-t) }
    Accelimation._B3 = function(t) { return 3*t*(1-t)*(1-t) }
    Accelimation._B4 = function(t) { return (1-t)*(1-t)*(1-t) }

    //Finds the coordinates of a point at a certain stage through a bezier curve
    Accelimation._getBezier = function(percent,startPos,endPos,control1,control2) {
    return endPos * this._B1(percent) + control2 * this._B2(percent) + control1 * this._B3(percent) + startPos * this._B4(percent);

    // static properties

    Accelimation.instances = [];
    Accelimation.targetRes = 10;
    Accelimation.timerID = null;

    // IE win memory cleanup

    if (window.attachEvent) {
    var cearElementProps = [

    window.attachEvent(“onunload”, function() {
    var el;
    for(var d = document.all.length;d–;){
    el = document.all[d];
    for(var c = cearElementProps.length;c–;){
    el] = null;

    jay973 Friend

    Line 117 in ja.transmenu.css

    #ja-transmenu li a { /* common styles for 1st level menu */
    float: left;
    margin: 5px 0 0;
    padding: 0 20px;
    display: block;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    font-size: 115%; <——- This Line
    font-weight: bold;
    line-height: 30px;
    text-decoration: none;
    cursor: pointer;

    Hope that helps,


    jay973 Friend

    You are looking in the javascript file. You need to look in the css file.

    ankianka66 Developer

    You are a genious!!! Thank you very much, now everything looks perfect and I am satisfied!

    jay973 Friend

    Cool, glad to help.



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