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  • cmart02 Friend

    Here is the deal…

    I have just upgraded from Joomla 1.5 to 1.7 (JA Social) and then to 2.5 (JA NEX). I like this last one very much, but I am having some issues…

    I want to show my pages like this: http://www.msofficegurus.com.br/artigos/microsoft-office/excel.html?limitstart=0

    But is some, they appear like this: http://www.msofficegurus.com.br/artigos/81-noticias-ti.html

    This second option is OK with me, except for the fact that my images are not thumbnailed. I went to the JA Thumbnail and selected all the categories available, but this second link will not thumbnail like the first one.

    So, my questions are two-fold:

    1. How do I make my second link above look like the first link?
    2. How do I get the second link to show the thumbnails correctly?

    Blaine Friend

    Please read and follow this Thumbs Guide and let me know after doing this if issues are resolved.

    cmart02 Friend


    Thanks, but that’s not exactly my problem. The thumbnail renders OK inside the article. My problem is with the second link I sent. It seems it is related to the page layout, since on the first link it renders OK.

    So, basically, I would like to change the second layout to the first, but I am unable to find where I do it.

    Blaine Friend

    If you will, check the configuration of the one you like and compare it to the configuration of the other, maybe that will shed some light.
    Please get back to me and let me know how you come on it so I may kow if you still require assistance on this.

    cmart02 Friend

    I had already done that and the config is the same. What I noticed thought is that when I activate the menu item, the link changes and it appends the category number.

    If I activate the menu, then the layout changes to show both links the same. So, for now, I will keep the menu item active. Although I did not want to do that, this seems to do what I want, so I won’t complicate matters further. 🙂

    Blaine Friend

    Are you using and SEF and if so, which one? Try disabling if so and report what happens please.

    Blaine Friend

    May we mark this one solved?

    SHoggard Friend

    He hasn’t replied – so possibly it isn’t solved

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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