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  • tangierc Friend

    Folks, I’ve been modifying this template by just replacing the content with my own photos and text. I kept the photos at the top (user 1,2,5,6 positions) and the formatting went bad – I don’t know how to fix this nor do I know why it happened. I checked my code – it’s fine. Just did simple replacements. The images should be inside the black boxes, not sticking out.

    See the problem and what it looks like at this URL:

    Thanks for any help.

    jsliao Friend

    post a link to your live site pls?

    tangierc Friend

    Here is a link to the live site (not live to public though)

    jsliao Friend

    would you like to have the picture fit the black box?

    or expand the black box to fit the picture?

    tangierc Friend

    I want the picture to fit in the black box like the template. Everything was fine until I added the image and content for the last box on the right. Then all of the images ended up outside of the boxes. I tried to be careful to only replace the demo content so this would not happen.

    Do you know what I did wrong?

    jsliao Friend

    mind to pm me you admin login and password for me to check?

    tangierc Friend

    Is there another way? I would prefer not to. Nothing personal. It’s not my website. If it were mine, I would say yes. I am helping someone solve this problem.

    jsliao Friend

    check the formatting of all the ‘text’ in the modules invovled. i notice that there were <span> tags around your text

    tangierc Friend

    I will try that and see if that works.

    jsliao Friend

    yes. use the html button at the editor to ensure that there are no unneccessary tags around the text.

    if this cant solve the problem, theres nothing else much i can do to help unless access was given.

    good luck

    tangierc Friend

    That did not work. Thank you anyway.

    jsliao Friend

    sorry i misread.

    good luck! hopefully someone can help you solve this

    ShannonN Friend

    tangierc;112700That did not work. Thank you anyway.

    Hi tangierc
    Looking at the code for the displaced images ( using 3rd from left as an example)

    here is your code

    <div class=”innerpad2″ style=”height: 96px;“><div class=”moduletable”>
    <h3>Robin Givens</h3>

    <img border=”0″ align=”right” alt=”Sample image” src=”/joomla/images/stories/headshots/RobinGivens1.jpg”/>

    Here is Ja code for same position from their demo site

    <div class=”innerpad2″ style=”height: 146px;”><div class=”moduletable”>
    <h3> Go phone</h3>

    <img align=”right” style=”padding-left: 3px;” alt=”Sample image” src=”images/stories/demo/topsl-3.gif”/>

    see the 50 px difference I’ve highlighted? bet that’s the amount its down out of line by? also I note the border=0 🙂

    I find using the firebug extension in Firefox to inspect the properties then compare with Ja demos the best measure to check code, that’s what I’ve done here

    I hope this is the fault or I’ll look a bit silly 😀 mind you the way it is has a great eye catching effect – you may wish to leave it that way

    Cheers Shannon

    tangierc Friend

    I can’t seem to get access to that code in the html editor for the custom module that creates this. So I can’t modify the portions you are talking about. It doesn’t show up in the html editor – only the image code and text.

    How do I change it?

    ShannonN Friend

    tangierc;112923I can’t seem to get access to that code in the html editor for the custom module that creates this. So I can’t modify the portions you are talking about. It doesn’t show up in the html editor – only the image code and text.

    How do I change it?

    How did you change ity in the first place?

    just direct edit the css file that calls it, in other words load the template css.css file in notepad or use the admin section to edit the css of the template, I can’t remember where it is specifically in the admin backend. It 2:30 am here and I’m sleep deprived ATM 🙂

    However here’s what to change and what line abouts it should be, anymore and it’s over to you.

    <div class=”innerpad2″ style=”height: 96px;”>
    <div class=”moduletable”>
    <h3>Robin Givens</h3>
    <img border=”0″ align=”right” alt=”Sample image” src=”/joomla/images/stories/headshots/RobinGivens1.jpg”/>Actress, writer, model, mother </div>


    resides in {template_css.css (line 1345) {

    #ja-topsl div.innerpad2
    background:#000000 none repeat scroll 0 0;
    border:1px solid #999999;

    Cheers ShannonN

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