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  • mj1256 Friend

    I still think these are the best templates available and that they just need some business accumen. I do not want to get booted out. I do want customer service when I need it.

    but… as these people are spread out all over the world, we may just be experiencing cultural differences.

    I recently had to deal with a company that outsourced dev to a company in India and I learned first hand what the cultural differences are that can effect a company.

    In the USA time “runs”, while in other countries, time “walks”

    cgc0202 Friend

    <em>@mj1256 64476 wrote:</em><blockquote>I still think these are the best templates available and that they just need some business accumen. I do not want to get booted out. I do want customer service when I need it.

    but… as these people are spread out all over the world, we may just be experiencing cultural differences.

    I recently had to deal with a company that outsourced dev to a company in India and I learned first hand what the cultural differences are that can effect a company.

    In the USA time “runs”, while in other countries, time “walks”</blockquote>

    I agree with the “… still think these are the best templates” mj1256, at least some of them, especially the JA Teline II. I just wish it is not too sloppily prepared. It looks like its skeleton is built with popsicle sticks. If you are not careful, it breaks down, and it is difficult to bring it back.

    I never had that problem with the original JA Teline or the Gavick Templates, I used.


    Hung Dinh Friend

    <em>@cgc0202 63694 wrote:</em><blockquote>OK, what is going on?

    I cashed in my credits, but no money in my bank???

    First, no staff ever bothered to answer my clarifications in my other posts — just conjectures from other fellow posters.

    Second, except for one very important requests, all my other requests were practically ignored — even if Hung promised in the Forum that the staff will look into things — and the request was not even from me, but another customer who has similar request

    All that story about credits and interests, and fees, etc. I hope this is not like the paper money in Zimbabwe, right now.


    Hi Cornelio,

    Thank you very much for your credit redemption.
    I am sorry for the delay because the redemption is scheduled to reviewed at the end of every week. And Miccas who handled the redemption seem have missed your redemption last weekend.

    I have renewed your account for another 12 months as per your credit redemption.

    cgc0202 Friend

    Thanks Hung.

    I started writing this post after I read my mail. I did not know that you posted already in response.

    I have been advocating for reforms in the credit system since I came back because, as I demonstrated in the one-liners I wrote in this thread, it is so easy to get credit points.

    People must not get points just because they respond with one liners, with no impact as to the resolution of a problem here. By the same token, people like me who write novellas because they do not know how to write concisely and clearly must not be rewarded by the number of words written.

    The paramount questions must be:

    1. Did you help someone resolve the problem being asked?
    2. Did you write tutorials or other guidelines or wrote scripts to resolve a bug aor an issue, that helped people perform what they need to do?
    3. Did you point other customers to known solutions of common problems?
    4. Did you alert Joomlart of known bugs, describe the conditions clearly underwhich the bug was observed?
    5. If you asked a question, and it was solved: Did you present your problem well enough and shared the solution given clearly, so that others confronted with similar issues will benefit from your experience?

    As far as I am concerned, only the above deserve to get credit points, with varying degrees commensurate to what was done.


    Just an update (for everyone):

    So, it is no fake money, after all.

    Now, my only concern is that it is so easy to get points — as I demonstrated above, in this thread.

    From a more selfish point of view that may seem for the good of the customers. But, that is being shortsighted. If it is so easy to get credit points, then there will be so many members who do not have to pay Joomlart. So, they will have less money to pay their staff. In the long run, the quality of templates may be compromised.

    More important, just consider that there are no dedicated staff now to prepare some needed staff, like regular update of fixes, based from bugs and problems reported, with some fixes already provided.

    When I realized the above, since the beginning when I came back to Joomlart when I saw JA Teline II, I posted in a number of threads that Joomlart must reform its credit system.

    As it is right now, the credit system promotes reward to postings, especially one liners, that do not help customers at all resolve the problems posted here.

    I would rather that they set aside some of the money instead to hire more staff, or people on consignment basis to do what are needed — well-written Manuals, tutorials, tips, How to’s and FAQs. These take time and will involve tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. But, if you consider the resurgence of Apple these days, part of it is the good feeling that came about because of the way you are treated when you visit an Apple store.

    You get a full hour tutorial each week for just $99 for example — that is less than $2 per week. The way Apple looks at it is not so much as expense for staff (paid perhaps $15-30 per hour) but more as long term investments. I was amazed at old people going there to learn the basics of using a computer. And since Apple user interface is intuitive to begin with, I guess they learn quite easily because I see quite a few people leaving with a powerbook or an iMac. Then, you have kids so concentrated with their games and parents trying to find satisfy their own cravings. Guess what their kids will be asking for Christmas or birthday? Guess what they will use when they grow up?

    The Zune or whatever Microsoft calls it may indeed have many features much better than the iPod, as some Zune user claims. But why did iPod conquer the world? Good marketing and they really delivered what many found easy to use.

    Joomlart, if it is to endure as a company must look at good product and good service that way — one must come with the other or it will fail — both are investments to engender the loyalty of its customers.

    Thus, if Jooomlart should continue with the credit system , the following reforms must be instituted:

    1) only those responses that helped solved a problem will be rewarded points

    2) this must be confirmed by the original thread poster

    3) the solution must be made public, so that other customers will be able to confirm that when confronted with the same problem will be able to resolve their own.

    4) those who write well-written tutorials that solve specific issues as presented in the forum (or anticipated) must be rewarded as much points also, as those indicated in #1.

    I have to be honest, some solutions posted here, especially just scripts are just like Latin to my mind, so they are not as useful unless re-written more clearly for customers like myself who do not have scripting background.

    5) since there are many lazy customers, myself included sometimes :), those other participants in the forum who point clueless members to already solved problems will get points, but not as many as those who solved the problems (#1) or those who have written readable tutorials.

    I think the above reforms, if adapted by Joomlart will go a long way to solving the problems here. They are some of the reforms we plan to implement in a Collaborative Support Group that we are setting up, not only to address issues with respect to the Joomlart templates that we use but also other issues that confront Joomla users, as well as others that confront website developers (or so we claim we are).

    However, the above will not be enough. Joomlart must set aside, or hire staff, who will make sure that tutorials are well-written, and that fixes are updated regularly.

    Many of us consider the templates of Joomlart of much better quality than the others I have seen so far.

    For example, I have seen the answer of RocketTheme to JA Teline II. It has many good features that Joomlart must consider, but at the end of the day, after taking out I call the whistles and bells, the overall appearance of the RocketTheme is not at all what you would consider paper that would be considered serious.

    I keep reminding myself, it is the content that matters and the ones that will keep visitors to come back to a good site.

    Thus, while there is room for improvements, but JA Teline II has the aesthetic simplicity that I prefer. I believe many customers of Joomlart have the same sentiment.

    Let us face it though, more importantly Joomlart staff must realize this soon and do something. Many of those who have been attracted to JA Teline II are getting restless, and frustrated.

    It is just like a lady or a guy that you get attracted to based from its facade, but there is looming danger in his(her) inside, akin to having a cancer that could destroy everything unless remedied — and soon.

    From my own statistical analysis of the current visits, threads, responses, JA Teline II users comprise a very big chunk of Joomlart users. After an initial visits to the new templates

    If Joomlart will not heed this warning, the fans of JA Teline II may abandon the template or Joomlart altogether — because it is just like being spurned by the love of your life.

    Response from Joomlart
    To: (my address)
    Message contains attachments
    Invoice.pdf (34KB)

    Thank you for your order. You may find order details below:

    Your Invoice Number 109899 from 07 Jul 2008

    Product/Subscription Title Price
    JATC Developer Membership – 1 year $499.00
    Subtotal $499.00
    Total $0.00

    Best Regards,

    cgc0202 Friend

    Hmmm… I thought I had this titled originally as: “I cashed in my credits, but no money in my bank???”

    ” Forum Credits Redemption” is just not my style.


Viewing 5 posts - 16 through 20 (of 20 total)

This topic contains 20 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  cgc0202 16 years, 3 months ago.

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