I was working on a site for a client, using JA Barite and had an issue with UHP2 component not being able to save page changes. After exhaustive forum review, I came across a post that referred to this issue being editor based. Firebug confirmed that the issue was that the JCE editor was not loading in the frontend. I disabled it completely, reset the system and my account Editor to tinyMCE and still got the same issue.
I then tried to use the submit news User Menu item from the frontend, and neither editor would display. Further reading other forum posts (first the the JCE site, then others I came across a post suggesting some templates could cause this. I uploaded JA Utahia II, selected it as my default templaye and all editors were functional from the front end.
Did a test install of JA Barite using the quickstart files, the TinyMCE editor did not work. I installed JCE editor, same result. I installed JA Hedera, and the editors worked.
The problem seems to be with Barite, which of course is my clients choice.