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  • satelios Friend

    hi everybody

    we have (big) problems with front page module.

    how to set as the demo template?

    in the pic I attach here you can see demo and the page of my site as it is now.

    1) how to set the picture size? in template all pic are squared and same size…

    2) there is no aligment of text and pics, as there is no grid…

    3) no grid means text go everywhere…even under pics…

    how to set this module?
    thank a lot in advice

    andrea [http://www.sateliosnews.it]

    1. front_page
    John Wesley Brett Moderator

    Hi Andrea,

    Good news: Actually your template is working correctly.
    Bad news: If you are wanting your images to be uniform in size then you will need to:

    1. Make sure your images are proportionally sized the same, or
    2. Create your own resized thumbnails for the articles.

    Under your current settings, Teline will look at the first image in your story and resize it to fit an 80×80 pixel window. BUT…it won’t squeeze your photos to fit FULLY in that hole. And that’s your problem. It’s reducing the image down to where the largest length (either width or height) is 80px and then creating the thumbnail.

    To Use proportionally sized images:

    Make sure the first picture in every article is exactly the same proportional size. (i.e. 100 x 125 and 200 x 250 are proportionally the same size and thus will be resized to the same size. The same for a square image… 80 x 80 and 300 x 300 are the same proportional size and will be resized to the same size.)

    To Create Thumnails:

    The resized thumbnails are found in images/resized/stories/ etc…. and you’ll find a mirror of your regular sized image gallery in there. Simply take your picture and cut it down to an 80 x 80 and replace the resized photo that was originally created and you’re in business.

    Once you have returned uniformity to your thumbnails, your copy will look much better.

    Hope that helps!
    Have Fun

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  John Wesley Brett 15 years, 8 months ago.

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