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  • hendon Friend

    I’m using Pyrite for Joomla 1.0, and I’ve noticed a problem with the main content text when it is displayedon the Front Page. The last charachters at the right of the screen get cutt-off (see attached). Also, images set within articles appear to have a small gap in front of them – i.e. not perfectly aligned left.

    If the article is displayed in full via the read more link, the text formatting seems OK – its only on the front page. Is there a way to prevent this from happening?

    1. formaterrors
    Sherlock Friend

    Can you give us your live URL, any screenshot or more details of the problem will be helpful

    hendon Friend

    The testing url is http://propertydeals4all.com/sol.

    You will notice that the front page articles spill over the right margin of the content area by about 1 character.

    Also noticed that the Moo menu behaves very strangely. The submenus only appear if the mouse cursor enters the menu label from the left or right. If the cursor enters from the top or bottom, the submenus do not appear. I guess this is what may be causing the page error icon in the status bar!!!

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  hendon 16 years, 3 months ago.

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